RFR: 8208636: Incresing bottom instead of decreasing top when an owner thread fails to take the last task

Michihiro Horie HORIE at jp.ibm.com
Wed Aug 1 12:28:28 UTC 2018

Dear all,

Would you please review the following change?
This is not a bug fix but refactoring.

The taskqueue is implemented based on the ABP work-stealing algorithm as
noted in comment. (It looks Chase-Lev work-stealing, which  addressed the
overflow problem of ABP work-stealing, but core algorithm is the same.)
    231 // Arora, N. S., Blumofe, R. D., and Plaxton, C. G.
    232 // Thread scheduling for multiprogrammed multiprocessors.
    233 // Theory of Computing Systems 34, 2 (2001), 115-144.

Correctness is presented with the following paper as also noted:
    241 // Le, N. M., Pop, A., Cohen A., and Nardell, F. Z.
    242 // Correct and efficient work-stealing for weak memory models
    243 // Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Principles and
    244 // practice of parallel programming (PPoPP 2013), 69-80

There is a slight difference between the current taskqueue and Chase-Lev's
deque. When an owner thread and thieves try to take the last task in the
deque and a thief succeeds in stealing the task, top is decreased by the
owner thread in taskqueue, while bottom is increased in Chase-Lev's deque.

Le et al. use the characteristics that top monotonically increases for the
proofs in their paper. I think there is no reason to decrease top in
taskqueue. One tricky thing in current taskqueue is that loading a task
before the CAS trial in pop_global() avoids the side effect that owner
thread can push (thus, overwrite with) a new task in the same slot at which
a thief stole the last task. I think it is more straightforward that top is
changeable only via CAS and monotonically increased. Releasing incremented
bottom is not necessary because succeeding push will release the bottom.
Please note there is no concern in concurrency because size() in pop_global
() returns 0 for dirty_size()=N-1 and so there is no thief trying a steal.
    180     return (sz == N - 1) ? 0 : sz;

Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8208636
Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mhorie/8208636/webrev.00/

I ran JTREG and SPECjbb2015 to confirm there is no change in the test
results and performance. Again this is just a refactoring and it's true
current taskqueue works even if it is not aligned with the formal proofs

Best regards,
IBM Research - Tokyo
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