RFR: 8187577: JVM crash during gc doing concurrent marking

Thomas Schatzl thomas.schatzl at oracle.com
Wed Feb 7 14:46:38 UTC 2018


On Wed, 2018-02-07 at 06:39 -0800, Poonam Parhar wrote:
> Hello Coleen, Kim,
> Thanks for your review! I moved ensure_klass_alive() to
> jvmtiGetLoadedClasses.cpp. Please take a look at the following
> webrev:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~poonam/8187577/webrev.01/

  the include declaration should be guarded by #if INCLUDE_ALL_GCS.
I do not need a re-review of that change.

@coleen: when I was looking at the change earlier I also thought
whether there shouldn't be something in the AccessAPI or another more
generic mechanism in the future. Thanks for handling this.


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