RFR 8215523: Request for clarification in unexpected OU decrease with CMS GC

Poonam Parhar poonam.bajaj at oracle.com
Fri Jun 21 19:21:15 UTC 2019


Please review the changes for the fix of:

Bug 8215523 <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8215523>: jstat 
reports incorrect values for OU for CMS GC
Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~poonam/8215523/webrev.00/

With CMS, at certain points, 'OU' (Old usage) values reported in the 
jstat output increase first and then drop down. This is wrong because 
the 'old usage' drops down without any old generation collection.

For the 'used' values of different memory spaces, jstat uses a periodic 
task to read these values and update the corresponding jstat counters.

For CMS generation, there is a sampler that periodically updates the 
'used' counter:

  class GenerationUsedHelper : public PerfLongSampleHelper {
103 private:
104 Generation* _gen;
106 public:
107 GenerationUsedHelper(Generation* g) : _gen(g) { }
109 inline jlong take_sample() {
110 return _gen->used();
111 }
112 };

The above used() call in turn makes a call to 

376 size_t CompactibleFreeListSpace::used() const {
377 return capacity() - free();
378 }
380 size_t CompactibleFreeListSpace::free() const {
381 // "MT-safe, but not MT-precise"(TM), if you will: i.e.
382 // if you do this while the structures are in flux you
383 // may get an approximate answer only; for instance
384 // because there is concurrent allocation either
385 // directly by mutators or for promotion during a GC.
386 // It's "MT-safe", however, in the sense that you are guaranteed
387 // not to crash and burn, for instance, because of walking
388 // pointers that could disappear as you were walking them.
389 // The approximation is because the various components
390 // that are read below are not read atomically (and
391 // further the computation of totalSizeInIndexedFreeLists()
392 // is itself a non-atomic computation. The normal use of
393 // this is during a resize operation at the end of GC
394 // and at that time you are guaranteed to get the
395 // correct actual value. However, for instance, this is
396 // also read completely asynchronously by the "perf-sampler"
397 // that supports jvmstat, and you are apt to see the values
398 // flicker in such cases.
399 assert(_dictionary != NULL, "No _dictionary?");
400 return (_dictionary->total_chunk_size(DEBUG_ONLY(freelistLock())) +
401 totalSizeInIndexedFreeLists() +
402 _smallLinearAllocBlock._word_size) * HeapWordSize;
403 }

As stated above in the code comments, free() can return an imprecise 
approximate value when allocations are happening in the 
CompactibleFreeListSpace at the same time, e.g. during direct 
allocations or promotions.

For CMS, maintain an internal variable for the space usage. This 
internal variable gets updated only at points where the CMS space usage 
computation is guaranteed to be accurate. jstat and other memory usage 
monitoring tools get access to this stable value of used space.

Testing: jdk-tier1,jdk-tier2,jdk-tier3,hs-tier1,hs-tier2,hs-tier3


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