RFR: 8270347: ZGC: Adopt release-acquire ordering for forwarding table access

Hao Tang github.com+7947546+tanghaoth90 at openjdk.java.net
Thu Jul 15 12:04:22 UTC 2021

On Tue, 13 Jul 2021 06:52:56 GMT, Lu Xiaowei <github.com+39413832+weixlu at openjdk.org> wrote:

> ZGC forwarding table records entries to track the destination of object relocation. Currently, the entry insertion (ZForwarding::insert()) adopts memory_order_conservative to guarantee that (1) the object copy always happens before the installation of forwardee, and (2) the other thread that accesses the same entry (ZForwarding::at() with load_acquire semantic) is able to access the correct contents of the forwarded object.
> Let us consider memory_order_release for the entry insertion in ZForwarding::insert(). Pairing with the entry access in ZForwarding::at(), the forwarding table adopts release-acquire memory ordering. The two statements we mentioned above can also be guaranteed by the release-acquire ordering.
> We performed an experiment on benchmark SPECjvm2008.sunflow on AArch64. The concurrent relocation time is listed below. The optimized version results in shorter average concurrent relocation time. Furthermore, it could benefit the throughput of ZGC.
> $ grep "[50]00.*Phase: Concurrent Relocate" optimized.log
> [500.506s][info][gc,stats    ]       Phase: Concurrent Relocate                           4.006 / 4.449         4.041 / 5.361         4.041 / 5.361         4.041 / 5.361       ms
> [1000.506s][info][gc,stats    ]       Phase: Concurrent Relocate                           4.512 / 5.278         4.213 / 5.278         4.146 / 5.361         4.146 / 5.361       ms
> [1500.506s][info][gc,stats    ]       Phase: Concurrent Relocate                           4.831 / 5.524         4.446 / 5.584         4.253 / 5.584         4.253 / 5.584       ms
> [2000.506s][info][gc,stats    ]       Phase: Concurrent Relocate                           4.037 / 4.649         4.391 / 5.524         4.281 / 5.584         4.281 / 5.584       ms
> [2500.506s][info][gc,stats    ]       Phase: Concurrent Relocate                           4.256 / 4.568         4.198 / 5.022         4.265 / 5.584         4.265 / 5.584       ms
> [3000.506s][info][gc,stats    ]       Phase: Concurrent Relocate                           3.032 / 4.424         3.810 / 24.709        4.173 / 24.709        4.173 / 24.709      ms
> [3500.506s][info][gc,stats    ]       Phase: Concurrent Relocate                           3.740 / 4.598         3.304 / 4.872         4.050 / 24.709        4.050 / 24.709      ms
> $ grep "[50]00.*Phase: Concurrent Relocate" baseline.log
> [500.545s][info][gc,stats    ]       Phase: Concurrent Relocate                           4.634 / 5.191         4.425 / 5.490         4.425 / 5.490         4.425 / 5.490       ms
> [1000.545s][info][gc,stats    ]       Phase: Concurrent Relocate                           4.177 / 4.731         4.414 / 5.543         4.400 / 5.543         4.400 / 5.543       ms
> [1500.545s][info][gc,stats    ]       Phase: Concurrent Relocate                           4.560 / 4.894         4.441 / 5.543         4.427 / 5.543         4.427 / 5.543       ms
> [2000.546s][info][gc,stats    ]       Phase: Concurrent Relocate                           4.509 / 5.100         4.591 / 5.739         4.468 / 5.739         4.468 / 5.739       ms
> [2500.545s][info][gc,stats    ]       Phase: Concurrent Relocate                           4.543 / 5.533         4.685 / 5.762         4.511 / 5.762         4.511 / 5.762       ms
> [3000.546s][info][gc,stats    ]       Phase: Concurrent Relocate                           4.423 / 4.834         4.635 / 5.895         4.530 / 5.895         4.530 / 5.895       ms
> [3500.545s][info][gc,stats    ]       Phase: Concurrent Relocate                           4.152 / 5.243         4.313 / 24.341        4.493 / 24.341        4.493 / 24.341      ms

https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/4597 implements memory_order_release for AArch64. We think this could benefit ZGC as well.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/4763

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