20090219 Batch Code Review

Daniel D. Daugherty Daniel.Daugherty at Sun.COM
Mon Feb 23 15:41:57 PST 2009


I have a batch of JVM/TI bug fixes ready for code review. I need a
minimum of one reviewer from the Runtime Team and one reviewer from
the Serviceability Team. These fixes were made relative to HSX-14-B10
because there is a bit of interest in having a couple of these fixes
in JDK6-U14.

These are the bug fixes:

   6567360 3/4 SIGBUS in jvmti RawMonitor magic check for unaligned bad
               monitor pointer

   6700114 3/4 Assertion (_thread->get_interp_only_mode() == 1,"leaving
               interp only when mode not one")

   6800721 3/4 JavaThread::jvmti_thread_state() and JvmtiThreadState::
               state_for() robustness

   6805864 4/3 Problem with jvmti->redefineClasses: some methods don't
               get redefined

And I'm trying out the new Community Code Review stuff. Here is a link
to the batch webrev:


On the batch webrev page, there is also a link to the webrev for each
individual fix.

Thanks, in advance, for any feedback.


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