Request for review: 7104173 sun/tools tests fail with debug build after 7012206

David Holmes david.holmes at
Thu Oct 27 01:43:11 PDT 2011

Hi Chris,

On 27/10/2011 5:51 PM, Christian Thalinger wrote:
> On Oct 26, 2011, at 8:33 AM, David Holmes wrote:
>> webrev:
>> A trivial change for our embedded code to aid in testing. Some tests need to be passed -XX:+UsePerfData to make them work (7012206). A debug build, by default, prints any -XX options passed to it. Any such tests that parse the test output then fail with a debug build because of this extra unexpected output.
>> So for embedded only we simply turn PrintVMOptions off by default for all builds.
> Why aren't you also passing -PrintVMOptions for the tests that need +UsePerfData?

When 701226 was fixed I didn't realize there would be a need to add 
-PrintVMOptions. Rather than go through and pollute all those test 
scripts with yet-another-option I decided to deal with the problem at 
the source - the VM. There really is no need to print the options by 
default with a debug build. So for the embedded build we turn it off. 
(See also 6605954)


> -- Chris
>> Thanks,
>> David

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