Request for review: JDK-8011260: fatal error: LineNumberTable attribute has wrong length in class file

harold seigel harold.seigel at
Tue Apr 9 06:55:26 PDT 2013


Please review the following bug fix:

Summary:   The assertion was prevented by changing the code to verify 
classes loaded by the anonymous class loader, unless -noverify was 
specified.  Also, the relevant assertion messages were improved to 
include additional information, including class name.

Open webrev at 

Bug link at

The change was tested by hand to ensure that the assertion no longer 
occurs when the test is run.  Additional testing was done using JCK Lang 
and VM, JTREG tests, ute vm.quick.testlist and vm.mlvm.testlist tests, 
and JPRT tests.

Thank you!

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