Request for review: JDK-8009928 PSR:PERF Increase default string table size

David Holmes david.holmes at
Sun Apr 14 19:26:38 PDT 2013

Hi Harold,

On 12/04/2013 10:49 PM, harold seigel wrote:
> Hi,
> Please review the following fix for bug: JDK-8009928 PSR:PERF Increase
> default string table size
> Summary:   To improve performance, increase the default size of the
> StringTable to 60013 for 64-bit platforms.  This will increase the
> default size of the StringTable by about 944K.  Please see the
> discussion in the bug report about why this change is need.
> Open webrev at
> <>

You can do this more succinctly using the LP64_ONLY and NOT_LP64 macros.

I'm not clear why you needed to add the minimumStringTableSize - is 1009 
really a hard minimum on the table size?


> Bug link at
> The change was tested by hand to ensure that the right string table
> sizes were being set for both 32 and 64 bit platforms.  Regression
> testing was done using JCK Lang and VM, JTREG tests, and ute
> vm.quick.testlist tests.
> Thank you!
> Harold

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