RFR(XS) : JDK-8013418 - assert(i == total_args_passed) in AdapterHandlerLibrary::get_adapter since 8-b87

Bharadwaj Yadavalli bharadwaj.yadavalli at oracle.com
Tue Apr 30 11:04:15 PDT 2013

Thanks for the review, David.

On 4/30/2013 2:12 AM, David Holmes wrote:
> On 30/04/2013 2:05 PM, Bharadwaj Yadavalli wrote:
>> Please review the changes that address the assertion failure. JDK 8
>> allows static public interface methods. Such methods should not be
>> considered as candidates for generation of synthetic code while parsing
>> classes that implement default methods.
> You mention static public, but your check is for static or private. 

I have changed it to check only for static given that the VM needs to 
support both public and private static interface methods.

Updated web rev at http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~bharadwaj/8013418/webrev/.

> So AFAICS there are actually two kinds of interface methods to be 
> excluded from being considered miranda methods:
> a) static interface methods; otherwise
> b) private interface methods
> This all seems rather incidental though - why don't we simply mark 
> methods as being miranda methods when they are created?

May be a good idea, but for a later time, I guess.

> Fix seems okay given it fixes present problem, but I worry that these 
> new kinds of interface methods are going to cause other problems. :(

I believe with the changes that Karen is working on and this change 
(plus those already in the repo), we should have covered the ground for 
necessary interface method support.



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