Request for review: 8020530 Non heap memory size calculated incorrectly

Staffan Larsen staffan.larsen at
Wed Aug 21 04:32:28 PDT 2013

Still good.


On 21 aug 2013, at 12:40, Vladimir Kempik <vladimir.kempik at> wrote:

> Thanks everyone for comments.
> Here is updated webrev
> Vladimir.
> On 21.08.2013 1:52, Mandy Chung wrote:
>> On 8/20/2013 5:38 AM, Staffan Larsen wrote:
>>> That doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Why would a pool have undefined values?
>>> The Metaspace pool has no max value (unless you specify -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=), thus undefined.
>>>> If a subset of pools have undefined values why report completely fallacious values of -1?
>>> The javadoc for MemoryUsage says getMax() returns -1 if the maximum memory size is undefined.
>> Yes the spec allows implementation of memory pools with undefined max.  "used" and "committed" must have a value and the "committed" memory is guaranteed to be available for the VM to use.  "max" will give an idea of the upper bound how much memory can be allocated from it; however, there is no guarantee that amount of memory is available for the VM.
>>>> It also isn't clear how this relates to the "committed" value in the failure. What gets reported now?
>>> I guess there can still be a committed value even if we don't have a max value for how much we might commit in the future: used <= committed <= max.
>> The MemoryUsage constructor throws IAE if committed > max if max is defined.  Perhaps it would be better if max should be Long.MAX_VALUE if undefined (a different issue than this bug).
>> Mandy
>>> /Staffan
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> David
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Vladimir

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