RFR S 8023381: VM fails to initialize in runtime/CDSCompressedKPtrs/XShareAuto.java runtime/SharedArchiveFile/CdsSameObjectAlignment.java

harold seigel harold.seigel at oracle.com
Thu Aug 29 11:44:04 PDT 2013


Please review this small change to fix a problem with some of the JTreg 
CDS tests.  The fix changes the tests to look for a more generic reason 
for why the JVM could not use CDS, causing it to exit.  The tests now 
look for "Unable to use shared archive".  This message is always printed 
when the JVM exits because it could not use CDS.

Open webrev at: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~hseigel/bug_8023381/ 

Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8023381

The fixed tests were run on Linux 32 and 64 bit, Solaris Sparc 10 and 
11, Solaris x86 10, Mac OS X, and Windows.

Thanks! Harold

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