RFR: 8015660: Test8009761.java "Failed: init recursive calls: 24. After deopt 25"

yumin.qi at oracle.com yumin.qi at oracle.com
Mon Jun 17 16:18:09 PDT 2013

  Please review this one line change.

8015660: Test8009761.java "Failed: init recursive calls: 24. After deopt 25"
Summary: Windows reserves and only partially commits thread stack. For 
detecting more thread stack space for execution,  Windows installs 
one-shot page
  as guard page just before the current commited edge. It will trigger 
STACK_OVERFLOW_EXCEPTION when lands on last 4 pages of thread stack space.
StackYellowPages default value is 2 on Windows (plus 1 page of 
StackRedPages, 3 pages guarded by hotspot) so the exception happens one 
page before Yellow pages.
Same route executed second time will have one more page brought in, this 
leads same execution with different stack depth(interpreter mode). We 
need match
Windows settings so the stack overflow exception will not happen before 
Yellow pages.

Contributed-by: yumin.qi at oracle.com


Tests: JPRT, vm.quick.testlist


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