RFR (S) 8009575 (2nd) - Reduce Symbol::_refcount from 4 bytes to 2 bytes

Ioi Lam ioi.lam at oracle.com
Fri Jun 21 13:18:08 PDT 2013

On 06/21/2013 11:15 AM, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
> On 6/20/13 12:20 PM, Ioi Lam wrote:
>> Please review my 2nd trial for this bug fix. It's much simplified thanks
>> to Coleen's suggestion.
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~iklam/8009575/symbol_refcount_002/
> Nicely done! Thumbs up...
> src/share/vm/oops/symbol.hpp
>     line 112: ATOMIC_SHORT_PAIR(
>         Now this has me intrigued...
>     line 132: size_t sz = heap_word_size(sizeof(SymbolBase) + (length 
> > 0 ? length : 0));
>         Assuming that 'length' can't be < 0, this is more clear:
>         assert(length >= 0, "sanity check");
>         size_t sz = heap_word_size(sizeof(SymbolBase) + length);
> src/share/vm/oops/symbol.cpp
>     line 35: Symbol::Symbol(const u1* name, int length, int refcount) {
>     line 36:   _refcount = refcount;
>     line 37:   _length = length;
>         Any particular reason for changing init styles? Otherwise, this
>         is just noise in the review... I'm OK if you keep the newer
>         init style (it's actually my preferred style)...
I was just too lazy to add a SymbolBase constructor. The "orthodox C++ 
style" would be:

   Symbol::Symbol(const u1* name, int length, int refcount) : 
SymbolBase(length, refcount) {...}

But I don't like this either -- (you can swap length and refcount by 
mistake it's hard to tell the error).

So I'll leave the code as it now :-)

> src/share/vm/runtime/atomic.hpp
>     I like the encapsulation of ENDIAN-ness in the the ATOMIC_SHORT_PAIR!
> src/share/vm/runtime/atomic.cpp
>     I was trying to figure out a way to add verification that the "other"
>     short is not affected, but anything I can come up with would be 
> "racey".
> src/share/vm/runtime/vmStructs.cpp
>     line 382: volatile_nonstatic_field(Symbol, _refcount, short)
>         Sorry my vmStructs-foo is very rusty, but should this be
>         "SymbolBase" instead of "Symbol"?

vmStructs.cpp has macros like this:

#define CHECK_NONSTATIC_VM_STRUCT_ENTRY(typeName, fieldName, 
type)                 \
  {typeName *dummyObj = NULL; type* dummy = 
&dummyObj->fieldName;                   \
   assert(offset_of(typeName, fieldName) < sizeof(typeName), "Illegal 
nonstatic struct entry, field offset too large"); }

Because VMStructs is a friend class of both SymbolBase and Symbol, it 
can access either of the following fields (they are the same field that 
is inherited by Symbol from SymbolBase)


Since SymbolBaseis really an internal type, I think it's better to use 
Symbol in vmStructs.cpp

- Ioi

> Dan
>> Bug: Reduce Symbol::_refcount from 4 bytes to 2 bytes
>> http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=8009575
>>     https://jbs.oracle.com/bugs/browse/JDK-8009575
>> Summary of fix:
>>     As noted in the bug report, the main problem is _refcount needs 
>> to be
>>     atomically incremented, but the smallest unit that Atomic::incr() 
>> had
>>     supported until now was 32-bit int.
>>     With Coleen's help, I have created a platform-independent version
>>     of Atomic::incr(short*) that's based on Atomic::add(int*, n).
>>     Essentially, Atomic::incr(short*) can be implemented as
>>     Atomic::add(int*, 0x10000), as long as the short occupies the most
>>     significant 16 bits of the int. I added the macro ATOMIC_SHORT_PAIR
>>     to ensure the proper alignment.
>>     Also Symbol::size(int) is fixed to calculate the correct space 
>> needed
>>     for a Symbol. (Same as in the previos webrev --
>>     see 
>> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/hotspot-runtime-dev/2013-March/006385.html)
>> Tests:
>>     JPRT
>>     UTE:
>>        - vm.tmtools.testlist nsk.sajdi.testlist vm.runtime.testlist
>>          vm.quick.testlist vm.parallel_class_loading.testlist
>>        - Serviceability Agent tested are included in these lists.
>>     MedRec
>> Thanks
>> - Ioi

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