RFC: cannot run hotspot with bootstrap jdk1.7.0_45: see 8014399: Remove JVM_SetProtectionDomain from hotspot:

Francis ANDRE francis.andre.kampbell at orange.fr
Sat Nov 2 05:58:25 PDT 2013


Building hotspot-rt using this repository 
http://hg.openjdk.java.net/hsx/hotspot-rt on a WXP/Cygwin/VS2010 platform and 


produces the following exception

_JVM_SetProtectionDomain at 12 is not found in the dynamic linked library jvm.dll

The definition of SetProtectionDomain has been removed from the jdk8 jvm but not 
its reference in the jdk7 java.exe, thus it is not possible anymore to build/run 
a jdk8 release with a bootstrap release as of jdk7 that contains such reference. 
Thus I am proposing to build a jdk7 release without any reference to the 
_JVM_SetProtectionDomain entry point by back-porting the 8014399  to the jdk7u 


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