RFR(M): JDK-8028160: [TESTBUG] Exclude failing (runtime) jtreg tests using @ignore

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Mon Nov 25 05:01:05 PST 2013

On 25/11/2013 00:49, David Holmes wrote:
> I don't understand the reason for doing this. If the tests fail 
> because of a genuine problem then there should be a bug for that 
> problem and the test just becomes a "known failure". If that is 
> undesirable why not just add them to the ProblemList.txt file?
> It seems wrong to me to have any tests marked as @ignore.
Looking at hotspot/test/Makefile then it looks like jtreg is not run 
with an exclude list so it doesn't look like there is a way to exclude 
tests that way. In any case, @ignore or an exclude list (like 
ProblemList.txt) amount to the same thing in that the test is not run. 
The advantage of an exclude list over @ignore is that you can exclude 
tests on specific platforms (which is really useful for some of the 
library tests).


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