RFR(M): JDK-8028160: [TESTBUG] Exclude failing (runtime) jtreg tests using @ignore

Leonid Mesnik leonid.mesnik at oracle.com
Mon Nov 25 08:31:37 PST 2013

On 11/25/2013 05:32 PM, Dmitry Samersoff wrote:
> Leonid,
> What is the reason of excluding this test?
George has provided fix. I've just asked him to point correct bug id for 
this test exclusion in @ignore tag.
It should contains reason of excluding test.

>   test/runtime/InitialThreadOverflow/testme.sh
>>>      Each of the ignored tests has a corresponding bug filed, which is
>>> p4 or p5 and is scheduled to be fixed beyond jdk8 release (jdk8
>>> update X or jdk9).
> Where I can find bugs mentioned above? Is it possible to count all these
> bugs within JDK-8028160?
> -Dmitry
> On 2013-11-23 14:58, Leonid Mesnik wrote:
>> Hi
>> In file
>> test/runtime/InitialThreadOverflow/testme.sh
>> +# @ignore 8028160
>> I think that it should be another issue which describe failure reason.
>> Also could you please add info about excluded tests into corresponding
>> issues so
>> people know that they need to remove @ignore as a part of fix.
>> Leonid
>> On 11/23/2013 02:28 AM, Mikhailo Seledtsov wrote:
>>>      This is a review request on behalf of George Triantafillou
>>>      JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8028160
>>> Webrev:http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mseledtsov/sponsored/george.triantafillou/8028160/webrev.00/
>>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Emseledtsov/sponsored/george.triantafillou/8028160/webrev.00/>
>>>      Please review this test stabilization change. The goal of this
>>> change is to ignore all known test issues
>>>      in jtreg runtime tests (which will be fixed in the future), in
>>> order to achieve a full pass of jtreg runtime tests
>>>      Each of the ignored tests has a corresponding bug filed, which is
>>> p4 or p5 and is scheduled to be fixed beyond jdk8 release (jdk8 update
>>> X or jdk9).
>>>      Please note that there 2 jtreg runtime tests that are known to
>>> fail and were not ignored, because there is a product (non-test) bug
>>> associated with these tests.
>>> Thank you,
>>> Misha
>> -- 
>> Leonid Mesnik

Leonid Mesnik

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