Fwd: RFR (M) : JDK-7149464 : [TESTBUG] Test runtime/7020373/Test7020373.sh failed to clean up files after test

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Wed Sep 11 17:59:41 PDT 2013

Hi Misha,

On 12/09/2013 2:46 AM, Mikhailo Seledtsov wrote:
> Hi,
>      JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-7149464
>          This bug description is Oracle internal.
>          According to the bug, in certain cases JTReg failed to delete
> the temporary files. In addition to that, the test consumed excessive
> time and resources on the system.
>      Webrev:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mseledtsov/7149464/webrev.01/
> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Emseledtsov/7149464/webrev.01/>
>      Testing:
>          JPRT using this specific test
> (2013-09-10-135828.mseledtsov.bugFixing01)
>      Comments:
>         - rewrote this test in Java. This had couple of benefits.

There is a problem here that "we" need to resolve. The shell script uses 
COMPILEJDK to run the jar command. The Java program uses JDKToolFinder 
which uses the "test JDK". Now this test will have to be be added to the 
"needs_jdk" group in TEST.groups.

This is not a direction I think we want to head with these test 
conversions. There must be a way to ask the testlibrary for a tool from 
the compile-jdk!


> Following general direction of rewriting JTReg tests in Java and
> avoiding portability issues. Also, the shell script created temporary
> files for output analysis, which in case of test taking too long or
> failure, in certain cases,  could not be deleted since the handle was
> still active. The new test uses OutputAnalyzer utility for this purpose,
> thus not needing the temporary output files, and solving the problem.
>         - after discussions with the Run-time team, the limit for
> malloc'ed memory was added to the test by using -XX:MallocMaxTestWords,
> thus fixing the issue of using excessive resources
> Thank you,
> Misha

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