RFR(S): 8033405 - metaspace/stressHierarchy/stressHierarchy005 hangs in atexit handler

Christian Tornqvist christian.tornqvist at oracle.com
Wed Apr 23 15:18:52 UTC 2014

Hi everyone,


This is a small fix for an issue on Windows where NMT tries to track a free
from a static destructor and ends up hanging on acquiring the ThreadCritical
lock. The fix is to make sure we shut down NMT before the VM exits and then
to not track malloc/free when NMT is shutting down. Zhengyu is working on a
rewrite of the NMT feature where this won't be an issue, so this is a
temporary workaround until then.


Tested on Windows x64 using vm.quick and Hotspot jtreg tests.











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