RFR(L) Contended Locking reorder and cache line bucket (8049737)

Daniel D. Daugherty daniel.daugherty at oracle.com
Tue Aug 19 18:13:52 UTC 2014


The Contended Locking reorder and cache line bucket is ready for
public review. The Contended Locking JEP is now committed to JDK9 so
it's time to start rolling out the buckets of changes...

Here's the JEP link:

     JDK-8046133 JEP 143: Improve Contended Locking

The reorder and cache line bucket work is being tracked by the
following bug ID:

     JDK-8049737 Contended Locking reorder and cache line bucket

Here is the webrev URL:


These changes have been through two rounds of internal review
while waiting for the JEP process to finish. Here's the current
commit message:

8049737: Contended Locking reorder and cache line bucket
Summary: JEP-143/JDK-8046133 - optimization #1 - reorder and cache line 
Reviewed-by: shade, dice, dholmes, dsimms
Contributed-by: dave.dice at oracle.com, karen.kinnear at oracle.com, 
daniel.daugherty at oracle.com


- JPRT test jobs
- new MonitorCacheLineStresser test runs
- CallTimerGrid runs with product and fastdebug bits
- Inflate2 24 hour runs with product bits
- Aurora Adhoc nsk.sajdi and vm.parallel_class_loading
- Aurora Adhoc RT/SVC runs
- performance testing is in progress

Thanks, in advance, for any comments, questions or suggestions.


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