RFR: JDK-8059586: hs_err report should treat redirected core pattern.

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Mon Dec 1 07:26:13 UTC 2014

On 1/12/2014 5:18 PM, Thomas Stüfe wrote:
> David, Yasumasa,
>     Thanks. The formatting needs fixing up though, the p should line up
>     with buffer.
>     I'm concerned by the changes in os_linux.cpp and os_posix.cpp to use
>     os::malloc. If this is being called from a signal handler there's a
>     real risk of deadlock if we try to use malloc/free. I know Thomas
>     suggested this (and sorry I didn't notice it then) but I don't think
>     it is a good idea for the crash handler.
> Correct. Sorry, my fault, I was not clear enough. I meant for you to use
> the pure malloc(3), not os::malloc.

I was thinking both may be undesirable. I think my conservatism dial is 
up higher than yours :) Let's see what Staffan (or others) thinks. 
Perhaps a static buffer rather than either malloc or stack based?


> Using pure malloc is still a risk if the C-Heap is corrupted, but
> sometimes it makes sense for larger buffers. The risk of running into a
> corrupted C-Heap is sometimes offset by the risk of running out of stack
> space.
> Kind Regards, Thomas
>     Thanks,
>     David

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