Review Request JDK-7119643: It is not possible to read files with a path longer than 2048 characters

Dmitry Samersoff dmitry.samersoff at
Sun Mar 23 19:19:04 UTC 2014



MAXPATHLEN == PATH_MAX and it's a system constant that comes from
sys/param.h and linux/limits.h so current behavior of hotspot is
absolutely correct.

Moreover, we uses MAXPATHLEN in many places in os_*.cpp files, so this
patch makes hotspot behavior inconsistent.

Typical value of PATH_MAX is 4096 so it's unclean for me why we have
problems with 2048 bytes file.

We probably should check our reference build platform.


Test could be a pure java.


On 2014-03-21 16:52, Poonam Bajaj wrote:
> Hi,
> Review request for:
> JDK-7119643 <>: It is
> not possible to read files with a path longer than 2048 characters 
> Problem and Fix: This bug is a regression from 6u29 and exists only on
> Linux platform. With the fix for 6348631, a limit of MAX_PATH (2K) got
> introduced on the file path length in the os::open() and os::stat()
> functions in os_linux.cpp. These changes remove that limit. These
> changes also add a regression test case to check that the files having
> path longer than 2048 are read without any error.
> Webrev:
> This fix needs to go into 9, 8u, 7u and 6u.
> Thanks,
> Poonam

Dmitry Samersoff
Oracle Java development team, Saint Petersburg, Russia
* I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the sources.

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