RFR JDK-8059510 Compact symbol table layout inside shared archive

Gerard Ziemski gerard.ziemski at oracle.com
Fri Oct 10 15:12:59 UTC 2014

hi Jiangli,

On 10/9/2014 2:11 PM, Jiangli Zhou wrote:
> Hi Gerard,
> Thank you very much for the review. Please see my comments below.
> On 10/09/2014 08:04 AM, Gerard Ziemski wrote:
>> hi Jiangli,
>> I'm a reviewer with small "r" and I'm still going through your code 
>> and learning as I go, but so far I have 2 items as my 
>> feedback/questions:
>> #1 Re: "SymbolTable::lookup”
>>  Symbol* SymbolTable::lookup(int index, const char* name,
>>                                int len, unsigned int hash) {
>> +  Symbol* s = _shared_table.lookup(name, hash, len);
>> +  if (s != NULL) {
>> +    return s;
>> +  }
>> +
>>    int count = 0;
>>    for (HashtableEntry<Symbol*, mtSymbol>* e = bucket(index); e != 
>> NULL; e = e->next()) {
>>      count++;  // count all entries in this bucket, not just ones 
>> with same hash
>>      if (e->hash() == hash) {
>>        Symbol* sym = e->literal();
>> a) Do we need to evaluate the lookup time performance, now that some 
>> entries will have to be looked up in 2 separate tables in 
>> "SymbolTable::lookup"?
>> b) Shared table is being looked at 1st, is this the case we expect?
> Those are very good questions. The shared symbol table lookup are fast 
> since we can very efficiently locate the specific bucket with 
> pre-calculated bucket sizes. The shared table is searched first 
> because the symbols contained in that are from archived classes, which 
> are the ones used during bootstrap (by default). Separating the 
> symbols into two sets do introducing some overhead. In this case, I 
> think the effect is negligible.  The data from Aleksey's benchmark for 
> classloading showed very small difference between the patched and 
> non-patched version.

You might be very well right that the performance hit is negligible, but 
my point is that you haven't shown that this issue isn't a problem by 
backing it up with actual performance data. You use Aleksey's own 
benchmark to prove your point, which only came up during the review and 
which actually shows the opposite (though only a slight regression). I 
would think that we need real performance data that will prove your 
assumptions without any doubt.

>> #2 Re: "compact_table_size"
>> int compact_table_size(int num_entries) {
>>   const int buksize = (int)SharedSymbolTableBucketSize;
>>   int num_buckets = (num_entries + buksize - 1) / buksize;
>>   // make sure it's a multiple of 2, so we can easily skip over
>>   // the compact_bucket_sizes table.
>>   num_buckets = (num_buckets + 1) & (~0x01);
>>   return num_buckets;
>> }
>> a) I found “compact_table_size” hard to understand: can it be 
>> implemented by easier to read code, perhaps the following:
>> int compact_table_size(int num_entries) {
>>   int num_buckets = num_entries/SharedSymbolTableBucketSize;
>>   // make sure it's a multiple of 2, so we can easily skip over
>>   // the compact_bucket_sizes table.
>>   return num_buckets + (num_buckets%2);
>> }
> The code you proposed above would allocate too many buckets in most 
> cases. For example, if 'num_entries' is 2000 and 
> SharedSymbolTableBucketSize is 4, the above would allocate 750 buckets 
> (while the actual number of buckets should be 500).

Actually it returns the correct number, ie. 500:

int num_buckets = 2000/4; // ==> 500
return 500 + (500%2); // 500 + 0 ==> 500

and in my opinion is much easier to read and understand - just please 
take a look at how you calculate num_bucket, ie ((x+y-1)/y) vs (x/y) and 
how you make the number even,  ie. ((x+1) & (~0x01)) vs (x + (x%2))


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