RFR(S) Contended Locking fast enter bucket (8061553)

Daniel D. Daugherty daniel.daugherty at oracle.com
Thu Oct 30 22:50:28 UTC 2014


I have the Contended Locking fast enter bucket ready for review.

The code changes in this bucket are primarily a quick_enter()
function that works on inflated but uncontended Java monitors.
This quick_enter() function is used on the "slow path" for Java
Monitor enter operations when the built-in "fast path" (read
assembly code) doesn't work.

This work is being tracked by the following bug ID:

     JDK-8061553 Contended Locking fast enter bucket

Here is the webrev URL:


Here is the JEP link:


8061553 summary of changes:

macroAssembler_sparc.cpp: MacroAssembler::compiler_lock_object()

- clean up spacing around some
   'ObjectMonitor::owner_offset_in_bytes() - 2' uses
- remove optional (EmitSync & 64) code
- change from cmp() to andcc() so icc.zf flag is set

macroAssembler_x86.cpp: MacroAssembler::fast_lock()

- remove optional (EmitSync & 2) code
- rewrite LP64 inflated lock code that tries to CAS in
   the new owner value to be more efficient


- add JRT_BLOCK_NO_ASYNC to permit splitting a
   JRT_BLOCK_ENTRY into two pieces.

sharedRuntime.cpp: SharedRuntime::complete_monitor_locking_C()

- change entry type from JRT_ENTRY_NO_ASYNC to JRT_BLOCK_ENTRY
   to permit ObjectSynchronizer::quick_enter() call
- add JRT_BLOCK_NO_ASYNC use if the quick_enter() doesn't work
   to revert to JRT_ENTRY_NO_ASYNC-like semantics


- add ObjectSynchronizer::quick_enter() for entering an
   inflated but unowned Java monitor without thread state


- Aurora Adhoc RT/SVC baseline batch
- JPRT test jobs
- MonitorEnterStresser micro-benchmark (in process)
- CallTimerGrid stress testing (in process)
- Aurora performance testing:
   - out of the box for the "promotion" and 32-bit server configs
   - heavy weight monitors for the "promotion" and 32-bit server configs
     (-XX:-UseBiasedLocking -XX:+UseHeavyMonitors)
     (in process)

Thanks, in advance, for any comments, questions or suggestions.


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