RFR(S): 8087143: Reduce Symbol::_identity_hash to 2 bytes

Yumin Qi yumin.qi at oracle.com
Mon Jun 22 18:12:28 UTC 2015

Ioi and Aleksey

   I think 'this' pointer's lower bits even more unique than the higher 
bits --- if the symbols allocated in same page, for example, two small 
symbols with size 8 bytes in side by side in same page:

   0x45612380 and 0x45612388, they will be same after shift right 6 bits.

   But with lower bits, they are more unique.

unsigned identity_hash() {
     return (unsigned)_identity_hash
          | ((unsigned)_body[0]) << 16)
          | ((unsigned)_body[1]) << 16)   // increase randomness of bits 
[16 .. 23]
          | ((unsigned)_length)
          | ((unsigned)(uintptr_t)(this));

   I also have problem with "|", could it be more chance to have the 
results have more '1' s and make the case worse?


On 6/22/2015 10:23 AM, Ioi Lam wrote:
> On 6/22/15 1:49 AM, Aleksey Shipilev wrote:
>> On 06/18/2015 11:46 PM, Yumin Qi wrote:
>>> Please review the small change for
>>> bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8087143
>>> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~minqi/8087143/webrev01/
>>> Summary: _identity_hash is an integer in Symbol (SymbolBase), it is 
>>> used
>>> to compute hash bucket index by modulus division of table size.
>>> Currently in hotspot, no table size is more than 65535 so we can use
>>> short instead.  For case with table size over 65535 we can use the 
>>> first
>>> two bytes of symbol data to be as the upper 16 bits for the calculation
>>> but rare cases.
>> Wait a minute.
>>   1) We know there are users who deal with overloaded system hash tables
>> by increasing their sizes (bucket count) beyond defaults, and into >64K
>> area. The symbol table performance in that area is important. Therefore,
>> the considerations for entropy beyond 64K are important, and should not
>> be discounted as rare case.
> Hi Aleksey,
> In most cases, if there's ever a need to increase the size of any 
> hashtables that uses Symbol::identity_hash(), it would be the system 
> dictionary. (The SymbolTable computes the hash using the string 
> contents, not Symbol::identity_hash(). See SymbolTable::hash_symbo).
> Today, the system dictionary size is calculated in 
> SystemDictionary::calculate_systemdictionary_size. The biggest 
> possible size is 99991.
> const int   SystemDictionary::_primelist[_prime_array_size] = 
> {1009,2017,4049,5051,10103,
>               20201,40423,99991};
> I think 99991 should work with cases where there are 1,000,000 loaded 
> classes (average 10 entries per bucket). If we load more than that 
> many classes, the system dictionary lookup speed probably won't be 
> your biggest problem.
> The hash value for the system dictionary is calculated here in 
> hashtable.hpp
>   unsigned int compute_hash(Symbol* name, ClassLoaderData* loader_data) {
>     unsigned int name_hash = name->identity_hash();
>     // loader is null with CDS
>     assert(loader_data != NULL || UseSharedSpaces || DumpSharedSpaces,
>            "only allowed with shared spaces");
>     unsigned int loader_hash = loader_data == NULL ? 0 : 
> loader_data->identity_hash();
>     return name_hash ^ loader_hash;
>   }
> Assuming the worst case, where all classes are loaded by the same 
> class loader, we want to increase the entropy of name->identity_hash().
> Since it's absolutely unlikely that anyone would have a system 
> dictionary (or any hash table) larger than 16M entries (even if we 
> change SystemDictionary::calculate_systemdictionary_size),  let's 
> forget the top 8 bits, and just look at the bottom 24 bits of 
> Symbol::identity_hash().
> Most classes names start with "ja" or "co"  (java.*, or com.*), using 
> the first two bytes of the _body[] doesn't really help that much. But 
> it probably won't hurt, either. We can't use _body[2] or higher 
> because it may cross a page boundary and we may read from an 
> unallocated page.
> For our usage (the worst case table size is a small multiple of 
> 65536), if we do
>       (unsigned)((uintptr_t)(this) >> (LogMinObjAlignmentInBytes + 3))
> this should work with allocators that use a 64-bit alignment
> Also, the _length should be random enough, so let's add that to the 
> hash code:
>   unsigned identity_hash() {
>     return (unsigned)_identity_hash
>          | ((unsigned)_body[0]) << 16)
>          | ((unsigned)_body[1]) << 16)   // increase randomness of 
> bits [16 .. 23]
>          | ((unsigned)_length)
>          | ((unsigned)((uintptr_t)(this) >> (LogMinObjAlignmentInBytes 
> + 3)));
>   }
> I think this would give enough entropy for all probably usage scenarios.
> What do you think?
> - Ioi
>>   2) This change seems to make a hash function much more heavy-weight
>> than before. But hash functions are supposed to be fast. At very least,
>> ditch the division [1], and do something along the lines of:
>>   unsigned upper = (unsigned)((uintptr_t)(this) >>
>> LogMinObjAlignmentInBytes);
>>   3) Pointer addresses, especially when allocated in arena-ed 
>> allocators,
>> are known to have low entropy (randomness). Mixing in _body[0] would
>> help only so much. It might be better to ditch "this", and the mix more
>> _body values again? Note that it is better to concat the values rather
>> than xor them to get more randomness.
>> Hence, I would go with this hash:
>>    unsigned identity_hash() {
>>      return (unsigned)_identity_hash
>>           | ((unsigned)_body[0]) << 16);
>>           | ((unsigned)_body[1]) << 24);
>>    }
>> This also yields a nicer generated code [2].
>> Or, if we feel lucky today, make a single load [3]:
>>    unsigned identity_hash() {
>>      return (unsigned)_identity_hash
>>              | ((((jshort*)_body)[0]) << 16);
>>    }
>> Thanks,
>> -Aleksey
>> [1] webrev.02 version; gcc 4.8.2, x86_64, __attribute__ ((noinline))
>> added to Symbol::identity_hash:
>> 0000000000565ad0 <_ZN6Symbol13identity_hashEv>:
>>    ; %rcx = ObjectAlignmentInBytes
>>    565ad0:       48 8d 0d 69 a0 9a 00    lea 0x9aa069(%rip),%rcx
>>    565ad7:       55                      push   %rbp
>>    565ad8:       48 89 f8                mov    %rdi,%rax
>>    ; %edx = 0
>>    565adb:       31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx
>>    ; %rbp = "this"
>>    565add:       48 89 e5                mov    %rsp,%rbp
>>    ; "this"/ObjectAlignmentInBytes, result in %eax
>>    565ae0:       48 f7 31                divq   (%rcx)
>>    ; sign-extended load of a ***byte*** _body[0] to %edx
>>    565ae3:       0f be 57 06             movsbl 0x6(%rdi),%edx
>>    565ae7:       5d                      pop    %rbp
>>    ; %edx = (upper ^ _body[0])
>>    565ae8:       31 c2                   xor    %eax,%edx
>>    ; %eax = _identity_hash
>>    565aea:       0f bf 47 04             movswl 0x4(%rdi),%eax
>>    ; %edx = (upper ^ _body[0]) << 16
>>    565aee:       c1 e2 10                shl    $0x10,%edx
>>    ; %eax = _identity_hash + (upper ^ _body[0]) << 16
>>    565af1:       01 d0                   add    %edx,%eax
>>    565af3:       c3                      retq
>> [2] proposed version; gcc 4.8.2, x86_64, __attribute__ ((noinline))
>> added to Symbol::identity_hash:
>> 0000000000565ad0 <_ZN6Symbol13identity_hashEv>:
>>    ; %eax = _body[0]
>>    565ad0:       0f be 47 06             movsbl 0x6(%rdi),%eax
>>    ; %edx = _body[1]
>>    565ad4:       0f be 57 07             movsbl 0x7(%rdi),%edx
>>    565ad8:       55                      push   %rbp
>>    565ad9:       48 89 e5                mov    %rsp,%rbp
>>    ; %edx = _body[1] << 24
>>    565adc:       c1 e2 18                shl    $0x18,%edx
>>    ; %edx = _body[0] << 16
>>    565adf:       c1 e0 10                shl    $0x10,%eax
>>    ; %eax = (_body[0] << 16) | (_body[0] << 24)
>>    565ae2:       09 d0                   or     %edx,%eax
>>    ; %edx = _identity_hash
>>    565ae4:       0f bf 57 04             movswl 0x4(%rdi),%edx
>>    565ae8:       5d                      pop    %rbp
>>    ; % eax = _identity_hash | (_body[0] << 16) | (_body[1] << 24)
>>    565ae9:       09 d0                   or     %edx,%eax
>>    565aeb:       c3                      retq
>> [3] proposed version #2; gcc 4.8.2, x86_64, __attribute__ ((noinline))
>> added to Symbol::identity_hash:
>> 0000000000565ad0 <_ZN6Symbol13identity_hashEv>:
>>    ; %eax = (_body[0], _body[1])
>>    565ad0:       0f bf 47 06             movswl 0x6(%rdi),%eax
>>    ; %edx = _identity_hash
>>    565ad4:       0f bf 57 04             movswl 0x4(%rdi),%edx
>>    565ad8:       55                      push   %rbp
>>    565ad9:       48 89 e5                mov    %rsp,%rbp
>>    ; %eax = (_body[0], _body[1]) << 16
>>    565adc:       c1 e0 10                shl    $0x10,%eax
>>    ; %eax = _identity_hash | (_body[0], _body[1])
>>    565adf:       09 d0                   or     %edx,%eax
>>    565ae1:       5d                      pop    %rbp
>>    565ae2:       c3                      retq

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