RFR: 8149383: Convert TraceBiasedLocking to Unified Logging

Rachel Protacio rachel.protacio at oracle.com
Tue Feb 16 14:27:55 UTC 2016

Thanks, David!

On 2/15/2016 11:33 PM, David Holmes wrote:
> On 16/02/2016 8:37 AM, Rachel Protacio wrote:
>> Thanks for the review, David! I've fixed those issues. New webrev:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rprotacio/8149383.01
> Looks good!
> Thanks,
> David
>> Rachel
>> On 2/15/2016 1:51 AM, David Holmes wrote:
>>> Hi Rachel,
>>> On 13/02/2016 6:37 AM, Rachel Protacio wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Please review this change converting TraceBiasedLocking to UL, i.e.
>>>> -Xlog:biasedlocking. *This* flag is product-level (sorry about the
>>>> confusion on the last one!) so the existing option has been aliased to
>>>> the logging tag.
>>>> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8149383
>>>> Open webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rprotacio/8149383/
>>>> Passes JPRT and RBT quick and non-colo tests.
>>>> Sample of previous output (with ellipses in place of many lines of
>>>> "Aligned thread"):
>>>>     $ java -XX:+TraceBiasedLocking -XX:BiasedLockingStartupDelay=0
>>>> -version
>>>>     Aligned thread 0x00007fe9480192c0 to 0x00007fe948019800
>>>>     Aligned thread 0x00007fe94803a850 to 0x00007fe94803b000
>>>>     Aligned thread 0x00007fe94803c390 to 0x00007fe94803c800
>>>>     ...
>>>>     Aligned thread 0x00007fe948400180 to 0x00007fe948400800
>>>>     Aligned thread 0x00007fe94840ef00 to 0x00007fe94840f000
>>>>     Biased locking enabled
>>>>     Aligned thread 0x00007fe948410a20 to 0x00007fe948411000
>>>>     java version "9-internal"
>>>>     Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (fastdebug build
>>>>     9-internal+0-2016-02-08-180545.rprotaci.clean)
>>>>     Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (fastdebug build
>>>>     9-internal+0-2016-02-08-180545.rprotaci.clean, mixed mode)
>>>>     Aligned thread 0x00007fe9480192c0 to 0x00007fe948019800
>>>> Sample of new output (with ellipses in place of many lines of "Aligned
>>>> thread"):
>>>>     $ java -Xlog:biasedlocking -XX:BiasedLockingStartupDelay=0 
>>>> -version
>>>>     [0.026s][info][biasedlocking] Aligned thread 0x00007fa194019480 to
>>>>     0x00007fa194019800
>>>>     [0.056s][info][biasedlocking] Aligned thread 0x00007fa19403aa80 to
>>>>     0x00007fa19403b000
>>>>     [0.056s][info][biasedlocking] Aligned thread 0x00007fa19403c5c0 to
>>>>     0x00007fa19403c800
>>>>     ...
>>>>     [0.362s][info][biasedlocking] Aligned thread 0x00007fa194400430 to
>>>>     0x00007fa194400800
>>>>     [0.367s][info][biasedlocking] Aligned thread 0x00007fa194417160 to
>>>>     0x00007fa194417800
>>>>     [0.383s][info][biasedlocking] Biased locking enabled
>>>>     [0.384s][info][biasedlocking] Aligned thread 0x00007fa194418d60 to
>>>>     0x00007fa194419000
>>>>     java version "9-internal"
>>>>     Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (fastdebug build
>>>>     9-internal+0-2016-02-09-124441.rprotaci.biasedlocking)
>>>>     Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (fastdebug build
>>>>     9-internal+0-2016-02-09-124441.rprotaci.biasedlocking, mixed mode)
>>>>     [0.389s][info][biasedlocking] Aligned thread 0x00007fa194019480 to
>>>>     0x00007fa194019800
>>>> A comment on the code: in order to maintain the existing functionality
>>>> of the "(TraceBiasedLocking && (Verbose || !is_bulk))" portions of 
>>>> code,
>>>> it was necessary to create two separate cases in the conversion, one
>>>> each for the info (regular) and trace (verbose) levels. It has been
>>>> asked that the functionality be maintained. The logging statements in
>>>> these chunks do not necessarily have to stay equal to each other in 
>>>> the
>>>> future, which this would facilitate.
>>> You missed the ResourceMark when you did this split at line #163.
>>> Otherwise all seems accurate - the test needs the copyright line
>>> modified to use a single year.
>>> Thanks,
>>> David
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> Rachel

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