RFR: 6515172: Runtime.availableProcessors() ignores Linux taskset command

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Fri Jan 22 12:47:29 UTC 2016

On 22/01/2016 10:38 PM, Vitaly Davidovich wrote:
> I don't think current thread represents current process, it represents
> the current kernel thread :).  You can launch Java with taskset and then
> change one of the thread's affinity masks at any time via
> sched_setaffinity, including increasing number of usable CPUs (if
> nothing else constrains it).  If you want process mask you need to pass
> it the pid, but that may be meaningless if other threads were later
> affinitized differently.

I'm not trying to account for separate threads being individually 
modified via sched_setaffinity. If you use native code to do that then 
you are on your own. There is no way for an API like 
Runtime.availableProcesors to behave sensibly in that scenario.

If you taskset a running process then it is supposed to constrain all 
threads of the process.

But I'm not even trying to address the situation where dynamic changes 
occur (though I did expect it to work). The main use case to address is 
starting the JVM within a taskset/cgroup and have it report the correct 
number of available processors.

> Also are we sure it's a good idea to change this API behavior?

Most people expect it to return the actual number of processors 
available to the JVM - which in normal execution it does. But once 
tasksets/cgroups come into play it fails to do that. The Solaris version 
was changed years ago to address the same issue with processor sets - 
linux wasn't modified then because the mechanism and APIs on linux 
hadn't stabilized and no-one was asking for it.


> On Friday, January 22, 2016, David Holmes <david.holmes at oracle.com
> <mailto:david.holmes at oracle.com>> wrote:
>     Hi Thomas,
>     On 22/01/2016 7:29 PM, Thomas Stüfe wrote:
>         On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 10:21 AM, Thomas Stüfe
>         <thomas.stuefe at gmail.com
>         <mailto:thomas.stuefe at gmail.com>> wrote:
>              Hi David,
>              I may be doing this wrong, but I do not get this to work for me
>              (ubuntu 14.4).
>              I built hs-rt with your patch. I am running a simple loop with
>              Runtime.availableProcessors(). I change affinity with
>         taskset and
>              would expect output to change, but nothing changes.
>              java command line: ../images/jdk/bin/java -Xlog:os=trace test
>              taskset command:  taskset -p 0x1 <pid>
>              Output:
>              proc: 8
>              [73,525s][trace  ][os] active_processor_count: using static
>         path -
>              configured processors: 8
>              [73,525s][trace  ][os] active_processor_count:
>         sched_getaffinity
>              processor count: 8
>              proc: 8
>              ...
>              Kind Regards, Thomas
>         I found that if I change:
>            if (sched_getaffinity(0, cpus_size, cpus_p) == 0) {
>         to
>            if (sched_getaffinity(getpid(), cpus_size, cpus_p) == 0) {
>         it works.
>         Manpage on sched_getaffinity() states that "If pid is zero, then the
>         mask of the calling process is returned." but seems that does
>         not work.
>     Later manpages changed that to be "zero means the current thread" - see
>     the online manpage
>     http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/sched_getaffinity.2.html
>     sched_getaffinity is really a thread-API that takes a pid_t - which
>     is confusing to say the least. Regardless if you change the affinity
>     of the process using taskset then it should affect all threads in
>     the process, so this seems to be a glibc and/or kernel bug :(
>     I will see if I can get a C program that shows which threads in a
>     process see the updated mask. This is yet another complexity to
>     something that should be very simple, that I could really do without!
>     Many thanks for the report.
>     David
>     -----
>         Kind Regards, Thomas
>         ps.  I am happy you introduced the "os" log tag, now I can use
>         this for
>         AIX-specific logging without having to change shared files :-)
>              On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 9:06 AM, David Holmes
>              <david.holmes at oracle.com <mailto:david.holmes at oracle.com>>
>         wrote:
>                  First a special thanks to Martin Buchholz for his input,
>                  feedback, critique and raising awareness of how
>         non-simple this
>                  issue is.
>                  bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-6515172
>                  webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dholmes/6515172/webrev/
>                  Basic problem:
>                     processors available for use <= processors online <=
>                  processors configured
>                  but we always returned the number of online processors.
>                  Solution is simple in its basic form: use
>         sched_getaffinity to
>                  get the scheduling affinity mask and count the number of
>                  available processors.
>                  Details are complicated by the desire to handle very large
>                  processor systems. See the bug report for lots of detailed
>                  discussions and references.
>                  Testing:
>                    - new test that verifies behaviour when running under
>         taskset
>                    - diagnostic hook injection (UseNewCodeN) to enable
>         testing of
>                  all code paths (one hook is left in for non-product to
>         allow
>                  easy testing of the dynamic path)
>                    - JPRT
>                  Compatability issues:
>                  - the system code we're using now is at least 5 years
>         old so
>                  distro's older than that (which are not officially
>         supported)
>                  may not work
>                  - anyone already running under a processor constrained
>                  environment (like Docker) and using availableProcessor() to
>                  "size" things, will find that size has now changed. We
>         do not
>                  expect this to be a problem - on the contrary we expect
>         Docker
>                  users to want the new behaviour.
>                  Thanks,
>                  David
> --
> Sent from my phone

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