RFR 8157592: StackTraceLogging fails with stack overflow on 32-bit Windows

Coleen Phillimore coleen.phillimore at oracle.com
Fri Jun 10 19:05:19 UTC 2016

On 6/9/16 9:08 PM, David Holmes wrote:
> Hi George,
> On 10/06/2016 4:09 AM, George Triantafillou wrote:
>> Please review this small change to fix test failures on 32-bit Windows.
>> JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8157592
>> Open webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~gtriantafill/8157592/webrev/
>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Egtriantafill/8157592/webrev/>
>> TestThrowable.java: Added catch for intermittent StackOverflowError
>> errors on 32-bit Windows.
> This does not seem to be addressing the problem - why do we suddenly 
> start getting SOE when running this test? I asked that question in the 
> bug report. If something has changed to trigger this then we need to 
> ensure that change was intended/desirable and then look at how to 
> adjust the test - not simply catch the SOE and ignore it.

Well it's not a very robust test.  I wrote it.  On 32 bits, it's 
possible that the compiler didn't kick in in time to run the recursive 
method.  The c2 compiler would generate code that uses almost zero 
stack.  With interpreted, there is some stack usage. The test could have 
been on the borderline of that.  I think it's prudent to accept stack 
overflow, especially if the default stack size increases or decreases 
over time.


> Thanks,
> David
> -----
>> StackTraceLogging.java: Removed unused updateEnvironment method.
>> Tested locally on 32-bit Windows as well as RBT.
>> -George

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