RFR (M) JDK-8163406: The fixup_module_list must be protected by Module_lock when inserting new entries

Zhengyu Gu zgu at redhat.com
Fri Sep 9 21:06:38 UTC 2016

Hi Lois,


838 if (module.is_null()) {
839 // During startup, the module may be NULL only if java.base has not 
been defined yet.
840 // Put the class on the fixup_module_list to patch later when the 
841 // for java.base is known.
842 assert(!Universe::is_module_initialized(), "Incorrect 
java.lang.reflect.Module pre module system initialization");
843 MutexLocker m1(Module_lock, THREAD);
844 // Keep list of classes needing java.base module fixup

Line #842, _module_initialized is set to true just before returning from call_initPhase2() from main thread, so this scenario
can only happen before returning from call_initPhase2(). It seems to me that, at this point, this main thread is the only thread
doing any class loading. Do I miss anything here?

229 static bool javabase_defined() {
230 ModuleEntry* jb = javabase_moduleEntry();
231 return ((jb != NULL) && (jb->module_load_acquire() != NULL));
232 }

I don't think load-acquire is needed here.



On 09/07/2016 11:31 AM, Lois Foltan wrote:
> Hello, Please review the following fix: Webrev: 
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~lfoltan/bug_jdk8163406/webrev/ Bug: The 
> fixup_module_list must be protected by Module_lock when inserting new 
> entries https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8163406 Summary: 
> During bootstrapping, after the load of java.lang.Class, the method 
> java_lang_Class::create_mirror() is multi-threaded.  Before java.base 
> is defined to the VM, the fixup_module_list stores all classes that 
> once java.base is defined, must have their module field patched with 
> java.base's java.lang.reflect.Module.  Insertion of a class into the 
> fixup_module_list must be protected via Module_lock. Included in this 
> fix is correct order access store and load of the 
> java.lang.reflect.Module field for java.base's ModuleEntry.  Thank you 
> to David Holmes for guidance on this piece. Testing: Full hotspot 
> nightly testing, JCK vm & lang, several iterations of jaxp tests to 
> test JDK-8164721 

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