RFR(S): 8160064: StackWalker implementation added logging option without using UL

Daniel Fuchs daniel.fuchs at oracle.com
Wed Sep 28 09:08:17 UTC 2016

Hi David,

On 28/09/16 00:40, David Holmes wrote:
>>> I also query why all the logging entries are at the trace level?
>> It seems like this could generate quite a bit of output => trace.
> I continue to have issues with this. I really believe that for any given
> log level there should be info, debug, and trace depending on the level
> of detail for that particular logging flag. So for any given flag info
> should always produce some output. Otherwise you have no way to know
> what level you need to set to get any output.

In the case of stack walking I don't think we want to see
anything at the info level.
These traces are going to be very verbose and for debugging
purpose only.

best regards,

-- daniel

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