RFR(L): 10: JDK-8177728 - [TESTBUG] Improve CDS test utils

Jiangli Zhou jiangli.zhou at oracle.com
Tue Apr 18 18:09:00 UTC 2017

Hi Misha,

Looks good. No new webrev needed for me after you fix the typos that Calvin found.


> On Apr 13, 2017, at 7:33 PM, Mikhailo Seledtsov <mikhailo.seledtsov at oracle.com> wrote:
> Jiangli,
> Thank you for review. I fixed TransformRelatedClasses.java to use new CDSTestUtils.
> Here are updated webrevs that address feedback from you and Calvin.
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mseledtsov/8177728.01.top/
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mseledtsov/8177728.01.hotspot/
> Thank you,
> Misha
> On 4/4/17, 5:53 PM, Jiangli Zhou wrote:
>> Hi Misha,
>> Looks good. TransformRelatedClasses.java was not changed to use the utility methods. Was that on purpose?
>> Thanks,
>> Jiangli
>>> On Mar 28, 2017, at 3:09 PM, mikhailo<mikhailo.seledtsov at oracle.com>  wrote:
>>> Please review this enhancement to CDS tests (RFE)
>>>    JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8177728
>>>   Webrevs:
>>>        http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mseledtsov/8177728.00.hotspot/
>>>        http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mseledtsov/8177728.00.top/
>>> Here is a brief summary of the improvements:
>>> - create/use CDS utility methods for common patterns in CDS related tests:
>>>     - creating an testlist
>>>     - creating an archive, checking result
>>>     - executing JVM with the archive
>>>     - checking results and common error patterns
>>> - use -Xshare:on when executing CDS tests, and use test utilities
>>>   to filter out failures due to inability to map shared archive.
>>>   This is a more deterministic way to execute CDS tests.
>>> - additional improvements came up as part of this work,
>>>   such as jdk.test.lib.Utils:getTestName()
>>> This work also lays ground for future improvements in this area.
>>> Testing:
>>>    1. Locally: executed affected tests on Linux-x64
>>>       (hotspot/test/runtime/SharedArchiveFile)
>>>       PASS
>>>    2. Automated multi-platform testing
>>>       Running the affected tests on a set of supported platforms.
>>>       IN Progress...
>>> Thank you,
>>> Misha

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