RFR(s) (JDK10): 8166944: Hanging Error Reporting steps may lead to torn error logs.

Thomas Stüfe thomas.stuefe at gmail.com
Thu Feb 2 11:59:37 UTC 2017

Dear all,

please review (or re-review) this enhancement. It was already reviewed
extensively for JDK9 in Oct 16, but pushed back to JDK10. Now that JDK10
repo is open, I would like to close this issue.

In short, this enhancement lets the hotspot cancel hanging error reporting
steps (when writing the hs-err file), in order to allow subsequent error
reporting steps to run. In our JVM variant, this has been active for a long
time and has proven to make error reporting more stable in the face of
deadlocks or file system stalls.



Old Diskussion for JDK9:

The webrev is unchanged from version 2 discussed in october, just got
rebased atop of JDK10/hs.

Thank you,

Kind Regards, Thomas

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