RFR(S): 8173743: Failures during class definition can lead to memory leaks in metaspace

Volker Simonis volker.simonis at gmail.com
Thu Feb 9 07:49:47 UTC 2017

On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 4:00 AM, David Holmes <david.holmes at oracle.com> wrote:
> Hi Volker,
> On 9/02/2017 5:41 AM, Volker Simonis wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> thanks a lot for you're review. I think I've addressed all your
>> points. Please see my answers inline for more details.
> Yes all points addressed - thanks. A couple of further nits (no need to see
> updated webrev):
>  235         catch (Exception e) {
>  236             System.out.println(e);
>  237             System.out.println(e.getCause());
>  238             e.getCause().printStackTrace();
>  239             throw new RuntimeException("Test failed because we can't
> read the class statistics!");
>  240         }
> Not sure why you print the stacktrace for the cause instead of the primary
> exception that you caught? e.printStackTrace() will also print its cause's
> stacktrace. Further, I think you should set 'e' as the cause of the new
> RuntimeException that you are throwing. If you do that I don't think you
> really need to print anything here as it will all be printed when the new
> exception causes the test to fail.
>  368                     throw new RuntimeException("Class redifinition
> isn't allowed to change method names!");
> typo: redifinition

Thanks David,

that's probably another debugging-code leftover.
Fixed as suggested.


> Thanks,
> David
>> On Tue, Feb 7, 2017 at 6:06 AM, David Holmes <david.holmes at oracle.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Volker,
>>> On 7/02/2017 4:40 AM, Volker Simonis wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> can somebody please review the following change:
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~simonis/webrevs/2017/8173743.v1/
>>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8173743
>>> Functional change looks good - took me a while to work through the
>>> permutations. :)
>>> Have a few comments on the test, mostly nits.
>>> I believe an Oracle copyright line is also required.
>> This is a common misunderstanding :)
>> It is not, and there are plenty examples where we already have only
>> non-Oracle copyrights:
>> $ grep -r -l "SAP" test/ | xargs grep -L "Oracle and" | wc -l
>> 24
>> The general rule of thumb is to have both, Oracle and SAP copyrights
>> if a file was derived from another file in the source base which
>> already has the Oracle copyright. That's why most of the files in our
>> ports have both copyrights. On the other hand, if we contribute a new
>> file which we've written from scratch, a single copyright notice is
>> fine.
>>> linkageErrors is not incremented in a thread-safe way, and should also be
>>> volatile. I think you are just using this as a rough count, but if so
>>> document that and at least declare it volatile so it is reported with a
>>> current value if needed.
>> You're right. I just used it for debugging purpose, but once it's
>> there, it should be correct. I made 'linkageErrors' volatile and
>> 'incrementLinkageErrors()' synchronized.
>>> 256             // executing and one another version
>>> Either: "one other version" or "another version" (occurs elsewhere)
>> Fixed.
>>>  283                 catch (java.lang.SecurityException jlse) {
>>>  284                     // Expected
>>>  285                 }
>>> If the SecurityException is always expected then should not absence of it
>>> be
>>> reported as an error?
>> Fixed.
>>> 288             // We expect to have two instances of DefineClass here:
>>> the
>>> initial version in which we are
>>> ...
>>> 291             System.out.println("Should have 1 DefineClass instances
>>> and
>>> we have: " + count);
>>> Comment and code do not match: do we expect one instance or two?
>>>  292             System.gc();
>>>  293             System.out.println("System.gc()");
>>>  294             count = getClassStats("DefineClass");
>>>  295             // At least after System.gc() the failed loading
>>> attempts
>>> should leave no instances around!
>> Good catch. This was the typical copy-and paste error :)
>> Fixed.
>>> Are we guaranteed, for all GC's, that a single call to System.gc(), will
>>> clear the unwanted instances? (This applies to all test cases.)
>> I think the call isn't actually needed because I've just realized that
>> the diagnostic command which we use to get the class statistics (i.e.
>> ClassStatsDCmd) already triggers a full GC on every invocation (by
>> instantiating a VM_GC_HeapInspection instance with request_full_gc =
>> true). But I think it's OK to leave the call there to 'document' this
>> in the Java sources from where this is not directly evident.
>>>  353             // kept alive by this main methidf
>>> Typo: methidf
>> Fixed.
>>> 367                 catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
>>> 368                     // Expected
>>> 369                 }
>>> Ditto re not getting the exception - should this report an error?
>> Fixed.
>>> Thanks,
>>> David
>> I've uploaded a new webrev which contains the changes (only for the
>> test) for all suggestions I've received until now:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~simonis/webrevs/2017/8173743.v2/
>> Thanks,
>> Volker
>>> ------
>>>> It fixes some problems during class definitions where instance klasses
>>>> can leak into the metaspace in cases where the class definition fails
>>>> after the class was successfully loaded from the bytecode stream.
>>>> There are actually two cases to consider:
>>>> 1. If we load the same class several times into the same class loader,
>>>> we will get LinkageErrors after the first successful load. But
>>>> nevertheless we will first construct a new instanceKlass for each new
>>>> load attempt and this instanceKlass will never be deleted.
>>>> 2. If we have a parallel capable class loader, set
>>>> -XX:-UnsyncloadClass and/or -XX:+AllowParallelDefineClass and load a
>>>> class from several threads at the same time in parallel, it can happen
>>>> that we create several instance klasses for the same class. At the end
>>>> only one of them will be added to the system dictionary, but all the
>>>> other ones will never be deleted. Notice that if we run this scenario
>>>> without setting either of -XX:-UnsyncloadClass or
>>>> -XX:+AllowParallelDefineClass, this scenario will degrade into the
>>>> case above and we will get LinkageErrors for all but the first
>>>> successful load.
>>>> The change comes with a regression test which checks for the two cases
>>>> just describe and also for the failing class redefinition case, which
>>>> currently doesn't produce a memory leak.
>>>> I've already committed this to the hs-demo-submit/hotspot/ forest and
>>>> it went through without a problem. So in theory it should have passed
>>>> the internal JPRT tests although I'm not sure if the test set of the
>>>> "demo-submit" forest and the real hotspot repo are exactly the same
>>>> (CC'ed Tim and Brian).
>>>> Thank you and best regards,
>>>> Volker

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