(10) RFR: 8157709: NMT should use size_t version of Atomic::add

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Mon Feb 13 01:46:02 UTC 2017

Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8157709

webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dholmes/8157709/webrev/

NMT typdef'd MemoryCounterType to jlong on 64-bit and jint on 32-bit. 
Really it should just be size_t and in fact the typedef is not needed at 
all as it was only used for casting size_t's when invoking Atomic::add. 
So MemoryCounterType is removed. Only glitch was that using negation of 
an unsigned variable triggered a warning on Windows which I have had to 
silence with a pragma. (As unknown pragma's must be ignored I have not 
ifdef'd the pragma - doing so would also be a problem as warning 
suppression only operates on the next line, so then I'd have to push and 
pop the warning which would be really, really ugly.)

Also as a result of this change there is no longer any use of the buggy 
Atomic::add(jlong) and as discussed here:


it is simply removed.

Testing: JPRT


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