RFR(M): 8171181: Supporting heap allocation on alternative memory devices

Thomas Stüfe thomas.stuefe at gmail.com
Tue Feb 28 09:18:00 UTC 2017

Hi Kishor,

This looks interesting. We are responsible for some of the more exotic
ports, e.g. AIX, so we have an interest in making a simple and generic
solution for potential future different implementations.

So here some more suggestions (apart from what David already wrote):


I see that the mapping to file is implemented in a way that it always
follows the anonymous mapping. I dislike about the implementation that we
now carry the file-desc argument down through the memory apis and that
these APIs are overloaded with yet another implementation detail. Also, it
makes the implementation rigid, only applicable for this one issue
(allocating non-large-paged java heap).

I suggest a different approach. Keep your map_file_to_memory() function,
but instead calling it deep in the belly of os::reserve_memory() and
friends, you could add it as a new "first class" api to os.hpp, something
like "os::replace_existing_mapping_with_file_mapping(addr, size,
filedesc)". That function would attempt to replace the given existing
mapping at [addr,size] with the given file mapping, same as your
map_file_to_memory does now.
Difference would be that this function can be called anytime after
os::reserve_memory() returns, in case of the jave heap in virtualspace.cpp.
You would not have to modify the os::reserve_memory() functions and not add
another parameter to them.

The process of replacing the anon mapping with the file mapping would be
separated from the process of java heap allocation. This approach would be
more flexible:

It could be also used for memory reserved in different ways, e.g. for large
paged pinned memory. Maybe it would not work in your case, but this leaves
more room for future different implementations. In fact, in this case the
coding in virtualspace.cpp would be easier, you would not have to
distinguish between special (large paged pinned) reservations and normal
reservations, just let ReservedSpace reserve its memory range and at the
end of ReservedSpace::initialize(), when all the reservation magic is done
and the reserved memory range exists - where ever and in whatever form it
was allocated - then attempt to replace this with your mapping by calling
your "os::replace_existing_mapping_with_file_mapping()".

It may work or not - you may be able to replace whatever memory
ReservedSpace did allocate with whatever special memory you are introducing
with the file descriptor. For your case, attempting to replace large paged
pinned memory with your NVDIMMS, you would probably get an error and could
output a clear message to the user that UseLargePages and AllocateHeapAt
are mutually exclusive. Or, the large paged memory would be silently
replaced with small paged memory, in which case one has the choice of
either continuing or stopping with an error message.

In fact, this API could also be used for different things than the jave
heap, e.g. metaspace or code heap. Or maybe even thread stacks, who knows.


Apart from these general remarks, here some code review (all remarks refer
to os_linux.cpp):

+  const char name_template[] = "/jvmheap.XXXXXX";
+  char *fullname = (char*)alloca(strlen(dir) + sizeof(name_template));
+  (void)strcpy(fullname, dir);
+  (void)strcat(fullname, name_template);

I think the array is 1 byte too short, you need to allocate space for the
trailing zero. Same error in os_windows.cpp.


+  // block all signals while we do the file operation.
+  (void)sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &set, &oldset);

This is quite dangerous. You switch off signal handling for the whole
process. Any non-delay-able error signal will immediately kill the process
without trace. What if another thread has an implicit null check?

I also do not understand why this is needed?


+  // set the file creation mask.
+  mode_t new_mask = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR;
+  mode_t prev_umask = umask(new_mask);
+  // create a new file.
+  int fd = mkstemp(fullname);

What David said, this is for the whole process and therefore may clash with
other threads.

David suggested fchmod, but I wonder is it even necessary to set the umask
in this case?


       The file is created with permissions 0600, that is, read plus write
       for owner only.  The returned file descriptor provides both read and
       write access to the file.  The file is opened with the open(2) O_EXCL
       flag, guaranteeing that the caller is the process that creates the

Would the default value not be what you want?


At various places you fail if system calls fail. E.g.

+ warning("Failure to create file %s for heap", fullname);

Could you print out the errno for those cases, or strerror() ?


Kind regards, Thomas

On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 12:52 AM, Kharbas, Kishor <kishor.kharbas at intel.com>

> Hello all!
> I have proposed a JEP to support allocation of Java heap on new memory
> devices such as NV-DIMMs like Intel's 3D XPoint.
> Such a feature has applications in multi-JVM deployments, big data
> applications and in-memory databases.
> Please find the details here - https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/
> browse/JDK-8171181 and the patch for the implementation is at
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~kkharbas/8153327_webrev.04
> I would appreciate a review and feedback from the community for this JEP.
> Thank you!
> Kishor

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