RFR(xxxs) (jdk10): 8168542: os::realloc should return a valid pointer for input size=0

Robbin Ehn robbin.ehn at oracle.com
Tue Feb 28 11:52:43 UTC 2017

Thanks for testing the assert approach.

Since you found malloc(0) is an "allowed pattern" I'm fine with the first patch.
We should add some comments about this in os.hpp

And thanks again for the investigation!


On 02/27/2017 12:20 PM, Thomas Stüfe wrote:
>I attempted to "fix" some of the occurrences by skipping the malloc() if n was zero, but
> in all cases the coding ended up less readable than before. (Sorry, I cannot post this fix attempt, I accidentally deleted my patch).
> Here are some examples of asserts:
> --
> 1) 33 V  [libjvm.so+0xb17625]  G1VerifyYoungCSetIndicesClosure::G1VerifyYoungCSetIndicesClosure(unsigned long)+0xbb
>  34 V  [libjvm.so+0xb16588]  G1CollectionSet::verify_young_cset_indices() const+0x1a8
> Happens in a lot of tests. G1CollectionSet::verify_young_cset_indices() is called when G1CollectionSet::_collection_set_cur_length is zero. I assume this is fine,
> verification could just be skipped at this point, so the fix would be trivial.
> --
> gc/arguments/TestG1ConcRefinementThreads: VM is called with -XX:G1ConcRefinementThreads=0. Then, we assert here:
>  32 V  [libjvm.so+0x5adeee]  AllocateHeap(unsigned long, MemoryType, NativeCallStack const&, AllocFa-XX:G1ConcRefinementThreads=0ilStrategy::AllocFailEnum)+0x3b
>  33 V  [libjvm.so+0x954689]  ConcurrentG1Refine::create(CardTableEntryClosure*, int*)+0x197
>  34 V  [libjvm.so+0xaf596a]  G1CollectedHeap::initialize()+0x1a4
>  35 V  [libjvm.so+0x127e940]  Universe::initialize_heap()+0x62
> Not sure at which layer one would handle this. If -XX:G1ConcRefinementThreads=0 makes no sense as an option, should this setting not just be forbidden?
> --
> At a number of tests linux numa initialization failed:
>  32 V  [libjvm.so+0x5adeee]  AllocateHeap(unsigned long, MemoryType, NativeCallStack const&, AllocFailStrategy::AllocFailEnum)+0x3b
>  33 V  [libjvm.so+0xbf7aff]  GenericGrowableArray::raw_allocate(int)+0x12f
>  34 V  [libjvm.so+0x6b6b89]  GrowableArray<int>::GrowableArray(int, bool, MemoryType)+0x65
>  35 V  [libjvm.so+0x105b294]  os::Linux::libnuma_init()+0x17e
> Here, a GrowableArray is initialized with size = 0. This seems to be an allowed pattern, so GrowableArray would have to be fixed to delay the malloc until the first real
> allocation.
> --
> So, options:
> - we go this way - all the occurrences would have to be fixed, and programmers would have to be made aware of the changed behavior of os::malloc(size=0).
> - we could only assert for realloc(size=0), but I find this even more inconsistent than it is now.
> - we could rethink the original decision.
> More things to ponder:
> - what about free(NULL), do we want to assert here too? On one hand, this may indicate an error, possibly a double free(). On the other hand, passing NULL to free() is even
> more a known established pattern than passing size=0 to malloc, and programmers may just do this expecting os::free() to have the same semantics as ::free().
> - this patch relies on the fact that we have control about who calls os::malloc/os::free (similar to the decision to use malloc headers in both NMT and os.cpp). Should we
> ever open up our malloc/free calls to the outside world, we may loose this control and would have to make sure that os::malloc/os::free behave like ::malloc/::free. Why
> would we open os::malloc to the outside? For instance, to get NMT malloc coverage over the JDK native libraries. Granted, a lot more would have to change to enable this.
> (Note that we have a malloc statistic in place in our fork which spans hotspot + native jdk, and we do this by calling os::malloc from the jdk native code).
> Kind Regards, Thomas
> On Wed, Feb 8, 2017 at 10:01 AM, Robbin Ehn <robbin.ehn at oracle.com <mailto:robbin.ehn at oracle.com>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     On 02/07/2017 02:24 AM, Chris Plummer wrote:
>         I don't think we can push a change to assert when size == 0 without first thoroughly testing it and fixing any places that currently do that. Testing may turn up
>         nothing,
>         or it may turn up a rat's nest. Just something to think about before starting down this path.
>     Since there is a while since jdk10 will be GA, now is the best time.
>         I'm not as offended by the size 1 approach as others, and it is what we already do for malloc(). It probably  makes sense to have malloc and realloc be consistent
>         in this
>         regard, regardless of what the native version do by default (which can vary). Just given the fact that we are even having this discussion and debating which is best
>         tends
>         to make me think that caller's of malloc() and realloc() either didn't even give this topic any thought, or possibly came to differing conclusions on whether or not it
>         mattered if they passed in a size == 0.
>     I agree that realloc and malloc should do the same.
>     IEEE Std 1003.1, 2004 Edition says:
>     "If size is 0 and ptr is not a null pointer, the object pointed to is freed."
>     So as I said in previously mail, there is nothing wrong with doing realloc(ptr, 0), but I also don't think we should do it hotspot.
>     Doing malloc(0) is undefined, so this really should be at least an assert.
>     I'm all favor assert for both realloc and malloc.
>     I can do pre-testing, KS, jtreg, tonga or whatever we think is appropriate.
>     (if this is a rat's nest we can change our minds...)
>     /Robbin
>         Chris
>         On 2/6/17 3:49 AM, Dmitry Samersoff wrote:
>             Thomas,
>             I share all David's concerns.
>             Both Linux and BSD return NULL if size for realloc is zero.
>             IMHO, if we call realloc with size == 0 it means a program error on
>             higher level and we should fix it rather than hide.
>             So it might be better to assert size > 0 inside realloc and return NULL.
>             -Dmitry
>             On 2017-02-05 13:56, Thomas Stüfe wrote:
>                 Hi David,
>                 some context: the whole issue came into being because for a long time we
>                 had exchanged os::malloc/os::realloc with our own versions for malloc
>                 tracking purposes. This was way before NMT.
>                 When writing the os::malloc/realloc replacements and associated tests, we
>                 took care to mimick the behavior of native malloc/realloc in a consistent
>                 matter. That way we could exchange malloc calls with my os::malloc on a
>                 case by case base without behavior change (or put it differently, nothing
>                 would break if I accidentally miss an instrumentation in code and leave it
>                 a native malloc/realloc)
>                 Now we went back to the OpenJDK version of os::malloc()/os::realloc() to
>                 reduce maintenance, and my cornercase tests fail. Hence this bug report.
>                 Please find further answers inline.
>                 On Sun, Feb 5, 2017 at 3:50 AM, David Holmes <david.holmes at oracle.com <mailto:david.holmes at oracle.com>>
>                 wrote:
>                     Hi Thomas,
>                     On 4/02/2017 10:09 PM, Thomas Stüfe wrote:
>                         Hi guys,
>                         picking up this trivial issue which got pushed to jdk10, could I please
>                         have a re-review? Oh, also a sponsor.
>                         Issue:
>                         https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8168542 <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8168542>
>                         webrev:
>                         http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~stuefe/webrevs/8168542-os_reallo <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~stuefe/webrevs/8168542-os_reallo>
>                         c_size_0/jdk10-webrev.01/webrev/
>                         For reference, the old discussion back in october 16:
>                         http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/hotspot-runtime-dev/2 <http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/hotspot-runtime-dev/2>
>                         016-October/021675.html
>                     I am still rather confused by both existing code and proposed change - the
>                     code just seems wrong if passed in a zero size. Passing in zero is a bug
>                     AFAICS and if buggy code passes in zero then how do we know what it will do
>                     with the returned value from os::realloc ?
>                 Currently, in the OpenJDK version, we have the following behavior:
>                 1 ASSERT
>                   a os::malloc
>                 size==0: return valid pointer to 1 byte array
>                   b os::realloc
>                 ptr != NULL && size==0: return NULL
>                 2 !ASSERT
>                   a      os::malloc
>                 size==0: return valid pointer to 1 byte array
>                   b      os::realloc
>                 ptr != NULL && size==0: whatever the native realloc does, which may be
>                 returning NULL or returning a valid allocation.
>                 This is inconsistent.
>                 A) 1a and 1b, although arguably similar cases, behave differently.
>                 B) 1b and 2b may behave differently, depending on the behaviour of the
>                 native CRT calls. Which is IMHO worse than case (A). You do not want
>                 different behaviour between ASSERT and !ASSERT.
>                 Additionally, for (B) it is not good that we delegate cornercase behavior
>                 to the native CRT, because that may lead to os::realloc() to have different
>                 behavior between platforms. On one platform, ::realloc(ptr,0) may return
>                 NULL, on another it may return a pointer. So you get platform dependent
>                 errors.
>                 My patch proposes to change the behavior like this:
>                 1 ASSERT
>                   a os::malloc
>                 size==0: return valid pointer to 1 byte array
>                   b os::realloc
>                 ptr != NULL && size==0: return valid pointer to 1 byte array
>                 2 !ASSERT
>                   a      os::malloc
>                 size==0: return valid pointer to 1 byte array
>                   b      os::realloc
>                 ptr != NULL && size==0: return valid pointer to 1 byte array
>                 This is more consistent.
>                 -----------
>                 Aside from the consistency issue:
>                 I think if someone passes 0 as resize size, this may mean he calculated the
>                 resize size wrong. Note that this does not necessarily mean a fatal error,
>                 if he has the correct notion of buffer size - 0 - and does not overwrite
>                 anything, nothing bad will happen.
>                 In this situation you have three choices
>                 1) return NULL. Caller will either incorrectly access the pointer and
>                 crash, or test the pointer and all cases I saw then assume OOM. Also bad.
>                 2) assert. This just seems plain wrong. Inconsistent with CRT behavior, and
>                 what do you do in release code?
>                 3) return a 1 byte allocation. That is what I propose. This may in the
>                 worst case lead to memory leaks; but only if caller expected the behaviour
>                 of os::realloc(ptr, 0) to be "free ptr and return NULL", which I have seen
>                 nowhere. If caller is oblivious to giving us size 0, he will be freeing the
>                 memory later.
>                 (Note that you could easily prevent memory leaks by just returning a
>                 special global static sentinel pointer for size==0, but you have to be sure
>                 that all os::realloc calls are matched by os::free calls.)
>                 I see your point about treating size==0 as an error. But I am not a big
>                 fan, for the mentioned reasons, and would prefer os::realloc() to behave
>                 like native realloc.
>                 But if we follow your suggestion and make size==0 an assertable offense, we
>                 should do so too for malloc(0).
>                 Kind Regards, Thomas
>                 David
>                     The webrev is unchanged from the proposal for jdk9, just rebased to
>                         jdk10/hs.
>                         @Chris, I decided to not follow your suggestion to move the comparison
>                         into the #ifndef assert. You are right, this is redundant with the check
>                         inside os::malloc(), but as you said, checking at the entry of
>                         os::realloc() makes it clearer.
>                         Thank you!
>                         Kind Regards, Thomas

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