RFR:8187118, 8187119: Removing -cp class path entries from boot append list at CDS dump time and other cleanups

Jiangli Zhou jiangli.zhou at oracle.com
Sat Nov 18 04:54:09 UTC 2017

Thanks, Ioi!


> On Nov 17, 2017, at 6:22 PM, Ioi Lam <ioi.lam at oracle.com> wrote:
> Looks good. Thanks!
> - Ioi
>> On 11/17/17 4:54 PM, Lois Foltan wrote:
>> Looks good!
>> Lois
>>> On 11/17/2017 7:05 PM, Jiangli Zhou wrote:
>>> Please review the changes for following two RFEs.
>>> 8187118: Remove appending -cp path to the boot class path at AppCDS dump time. https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8187118?filter=14921 <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8187118?filter=14921>
>>> 8187119: Consolidate record_shared_class_loader_type() and record_result(). https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8187119?filter=14921 <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8187119?filter=14921>
>>> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jiangli/8187118_8187119/webrev.01 <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jiangli/8187118_8187119/webrev.01>
>>> With the changes in above webrev, I’ve done some cleanups in CDS/AppCDS code:
>>> - Removed -cp class path entries from boot append list at CDS dump time as the application classes are no longer loaded by the boot loader at CDS dump time. The -cp path entries are maintained in a separate list by ClassLoader now. CDS code creates the shared class path entry table by combining the boot append list an -cp path entry list (see FileMapInfo::allocate_classpath_entry_table()). Split ClassLoaderExt::add_class_path_entry() logic into add_to_boot_append_entries() (renamed from ClassLoader::add_to_list()) and add_to_classpath_entries().
>>> - Cleaned up SystemDictionary::load_instance_class() to remove the handling of DumpSharedSpaces cases from general class loading code.
>>> - Separated ClassLoader::add_package() call from ClassLoaderExt::Context::record_result(). Calling add_package() in record_result() complicates things unnecessarily. ClassLoader::add_package() is needed for classes loaded by the boot loader, while Context::record_result() is only needed for CDS dump time. Logically they are unrelated. Separating the two makes the code much cleaner.
>>> - Renamed ClassLoader::record_shared_class_loader_type() to ClassLoader::record_result(). Cleaned up the usage of ClassLoader::record_shared_class_loader_type() and Context::record_result(). Before the clean up, Context::record_result() was called twice during loading of classes for the boot loader at CDS dump time, and the classes for boot loader and PlatformClassLoader/AppClassLoader were handled differently. Now all classes loaded by the builtin class loaders at CDS dump time are handled the same.
>>> - Removed the use of ClassLoader::_num_entries and _num_boot_entries.
>>> - Renamed ClassLoader::setup_search_path() to setup_boot_search_path().
>>> - Removed unused ClassLoader::add_to_list(const char*)
>>> Tested with hotspot/runtime locally on linux-x64. Ran tier1, tier2, tier3, teir4 and tier5 tests.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jiangli

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