RFR(S): 8207211: [TESTBUG] Remove excessive output from CDS/AppCDS tests

Calvin Cheung calvin.cheung at oracle.com
Wed Aug 22 16:46:15 UTC 2018

Hi Ioi,

Thanks for your suggestions.
Updated webrev:

I've reverted the following change in @run:
     @run main/othervm -Dtest.cds.copy.child.stdout=false
The number of modified files is much less than in webrev.00.

New changes in CDSTestUtils.java per your suggestions.

I've rerun hs-tier 1,2,3 tests with no new failures.


On 8/21/18, 2:38 PM, Ioi Lam wrote:
> Hi Calvin,
> I have a few suggestions:
> 1. Using -Dtest.cds.copy.child.stdout would require "@run 
> main/othervm". This is slower than "@run", which can use agentvm to 
> avoid spawning new JVM processes.
> 2. I think the default should be false, since the stdout is already 
> logged in files. We can allow the user to override this using "jtreg 
> -Dtest.cds.copy.child.stdout=true ...."
>     class CDSTestUtils {
>         // By default, stdout of child processes are logged in files 
> such as
>         // <testname>-0000-exec.stdout. If you want to also include 
> the stdout
>         // inside jtr files, you can override this in the jtreg 
> command line like
>         // "jtreg -Dtest.cds.copy.child.stdout=true ...."
>        private static boolean copyChildStdoutToMainStdout =
>             Boolean.getBoolean("test.cds.copy.child.stdout");
> 3. CDSTestUtils.executeAndLog should save files with different names 
> (e.g., with a counter). Today, tests that dump and execute multiple 
> times end up saving only one dump.stdout and one exec.stdout files, so 
> older logs are lost.
> It should also print out the name of the file, like
>     logging stdout to IncompatibleOptions-0000-exec.stdout
> Having a 4-digit, 0-prefixed counter should make it easy to find the 
> file you're looking for.
> Thanks
> - Ioi
> On 8/21/18 11:39 AM, Calvin Cheung wrote:
>> bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8207211
>> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ccheung/8207211/webrev.00/
>> For the tests which generate a lot of output, I used the 
>> -Dtest.cds.copy.child.stdout=false property to reduce the output to 
>> the main stdout. The output is still being captured in 
>> <testname>-dump.stdout (for dump time) and <testname>-exec.stdout 
>> (for run time).
>> In some tests which don't require class loading output, I've simply 
>> removed the -verbose:class or -Xlog:class+load option.
>> Testing: hs-tier{1,2,3}
>> thanks,
>> Calvin

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