RFR 8190235: Clarify ClassLoaderData::is_*_class_loader_data() method implementations

coleen.phillimore at oracle.com coleen.phillimore at oracle.com
Tue Feb 6 18:35:11 UTC 2018

This looks good.   I don't see any code that assumes 
is_builtin_class_loader_data means the same thing as 
is_permanent_class_loader_data() but there are a couple of instances in 
ModuleEntry::set_read_walk_required and 
PackageEntry::set_export_walk_required, but these might be okay because 
there isn't a module reads list or exports list on anonymous CLD.

On 2/5/18 3:37 PM, harold seigel wrote:
> Hi,
> Please review this small JDK-11 RFR to clarify and clean up the 
> implementations of the ClassLoaderData::is_*_class_loader_data() 
> implementations.  The changes primarily consist of adding some comments.
> Open Webrev: 
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~hseigel/bug_8190235/webrev/index.html
> JBS Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8190235
> The changes were tested with Mach 5 tier1 - tier5 tests and JTReg JDK 
> tests.
> Thanks, Harold

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