RFR(XS): 8193308: Disallow installing user signal handlers for SIGBUS on OSX

mandy chung mandy.chung at oracle.com
Fri Feb 9 22:59:50 UTC 2018

Hi Robin, As documented in [1], SIGBUS is listed as the signals used by 
the HotSpot implementation. It could be just that it was missed from day 
1.Have you checked the native signal chaining support via libjsig.so? It 
should disallow to install a user native signal handler for SIGBUS.I 
think JVM_RegisterSignal should disallow installing a user handler for 
one of the implementation-specific signals for all platforms. That'll 
simplify your fix. I would think the compatibility risk should be low as 
rare cases would want to intercept SIGBUS which is also clearly 
documented in [1]. Mandy [1] 
On 7/02/2018 1:19 AM, Robin Westberg wrote: > Hi all, > > Please review 
the following change to disallow installing user > signal handlers for 
SIGBUS on OSX. On OSX, SIGBUS is used > internally by the VM (where most 
other platforms only use SIGSEGV), > and installing a user handler can 
lead to a deadlock. > > Issue: 
https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8193308 > Webrev: 
http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rwestberg/8193308/webrev.00/ > > Best 
regards, > Robin

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