RFR: 8198564: Multiple crashes on SPARC

Stefan Karlsson stefan.karlsson at oracle.com
Thu Feb 22 22:03:32 UTC 2018

On 2018-02-22 22:26, Roman Kennke wrote:
> My change to typeArrayOop.hpp
> (https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8197999) seems to have
> caused some regressions, esp. on SPARC. The issue is that I'm
> accidentally calling Access::store_at() with a type of jint and thus
> generates a memory access wider than a jboolean. It seems to cause
> SIGBUS on SPARC, but may also simply override adjacent array elements.
> With some help by Stefan Karlsson, I made a little gtest (ok, he wrote
> most of it, I only modified it to actually fail without the bugfix).
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rkennke/8198564/webrev.01

Looks good.

The test is a bit hacky and probably uses undefined behavior, so I'm not 
sure it will hold over time. But right now it manages to reproduce the 
bug, which is good.

> Would be good if somebody with access to SPARC could test it there,
> and if ok, push it?

I won't have time to run this through our test machinery today. Anyone else?

> Thank you,
> Roman

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