RFR: 8197408: Bad pointer comparison and small cleanup in os_linux.cpp

Thomas Stüfe thomas.stuefe at gmail.com
Tue Feb 27 10:26:17 UTC 2018

Still fine, thanks!


On Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 11:05 AM, Robbin Ehn <robbin.ehn at oracle.com> wrote:

> Hi Thomas,
> You ok with this version also?
> Full:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rehn/8197408/v4/fulll/webrev/
> Thanks, Robbin
> On 02/26/2018 05:13 PM, Bob Vandette wrote:
>> Sorry, didn’t realize you were waiting for another response.
>> The fix below looks good.
>> Bob.
>> On Feb 26, 2018, at 11:02 AM, Robbin Ehn <robbin.ehn at oracle.com> wrote:
>>> Ping Bob,
>>> /Robbin
>>> On 02/20/2018 05:44 PM, Robbin Ehn wrote:
>>>> Hi Bob, thanks for having another look.
>>>> On 2018-02-20 16:13, Bob Vandette wrote:
>>>>> On Feb 19, 2018, at 8:03 AM, Robbin Ehn <robbin.ehn at oracle.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Bob,
>>>>>> On 02/15/2018 04:50 PM, Bob Vandette wrote:
>>>>>>> The changes look ok to me.
>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>> I would have preferred that you kept the original logic embedded in
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> higher level functions rather than adding additional static
>>>>>>> functions.  We’re hoping
>>>>>>> to back port this capability to JDK 8 and it just makes the merges
>>>>>>> more error prone.
>>>>>> Here I moved the logic back:
>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rehn/8197408/v3/inc/
>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rehn/8197408/v3/full/
>>>>>> I prefer the v2 version of os_linux.cpp, stick with v3 or go back to
>>>>>> v2?
>>>>> I prefer v3 although I still see changes that are unnecessary even in
>>>>> that changeset.
>>>>> My implementation of os::Linux::available_memory() is more efficient
>>>>> since I’m only testing
>>>>> memory limit and usage once.  The compiler may optimize this but there
>>>>> is no need to check
>>>>> usage if the limit cannot be read or is unlimited.  Also,
>>>>> memory_usage_in_bytes will never return unlimited.
>>>>> Can’t you just update my log_debug lines to provide the additional
>>>>> information?
>>>> Good catch on the memory_usage_in_bytes it snuck in v1->v2.
>>>> diff -r 98ee8add2b00 src/hotspot/os/linux/os_linux.cpp
>>>> --- a/src/hotspot/os/linux/os_linux.cpp    Mon Feb 19 10:24:37 2018
>>>> +0100
>>>> +++ b/src/hotspot/os/linux/os_linux.cpp    Tue Feb 20 17:29:56 2018
>>>> +0100
>>>> @@ -185,2 +185,1 @@
>>>> -      log_debug(os, container)("container memory usage %s: "
>>>> JLONG_FORMAT ", using host value",
>>>> -                             mem_usage == OSCONTAINER_ERROR ? "failed"
>>>> : "unlimited", mem_usage);
>>>> +      log_debug(os, container)("container memory usage failed: "
>>>> JLONG_FORMAT ", using host value", mem_usage);
>>>> I don't either like multiple checking of limit, that is why I like v2
>>>> with a separate function for container and merging a new function should
>>>> apply pretty cleanly.
>>>> But my both versions is much simpler (as in easier to read), which was
>>>> the cleanup.
>>>> If you are worried about performance we should not use sscanf to read a
>>>> file just containing a number, sscanf is slow.
>>>> But I suggest we stick sscanf to avoid yet another macro.
>>>>> In print_container_info, if you are going to eliminate the multiple
>>>>> if/else entries for some of
>>>>> the output, why didn’t you also do that for active_processor_count?
>>>> active_processor_count only have 2 levels of nesting, while the code I
>>>> cleanup had 4 levels.
>>>> And this is not an attempt to clean the whole file.
>>>> Also can you comment on test, do you see any cases that was missed or
>>>> other issues?
>>>> Thanks, Robbin
>>>>> Bob.
>>>>>> I also added a test which just verifies we can read the cgroup's
>>>>>> values without failing when in a container. And if not in container
>>>>>> verifies that we failed as expected.
>>>>>> Both v2 and v3 passes this test via the in container case.
>>>>>> Thanks, Robbin
>>>>>> I’m also a bit uncomfortable with freeing potentially NULL pointers
>>>>>>> in print_container_info.
>>>>>>> I’ve worked with too many different Linux clibs to trust that they
>>>>>>> all have the same
>>>>>>> behavior but it is documented on both Linux and Bsd so I guess we’re
>>>>>>> ok.
>>>>>>> Bob.
>>>>>>>> On Feb 15, 2018, at 4:37 AM, Robbin Ehn <robbin.ehn at oracle.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Thomas, thanks for having a look.
>>>>>>>> On 2018-02-14 15:06, Thomas Stüfe wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Robin,
>>>>>>>>> Had a short look. Note that I cannot open the issue. Link is
>>>>>>>>> wrong, and the link in the source.patch is wrong too. So, I just looked at
>>>>>>>>> the webrev.
>>>>>>>> Sorry bug is:
>>>>>>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8197408
>>>>>>>> Inc here:
>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rehn/8197408/v2/inc/webrev/
>>>>>>>> Full here:
>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rehn/8197408/v2/full/webrev/
>>>>>>>> Comments on remarks below:
>>>>>>>> Remarks:
>>>>>>>>> -> This is a matter of taste but I prefer pointers to references
>>>>>>>>> for output variables. Makes the intent clearer at the calling site, and
>>>>>>>>> that way you could get rid of the /* output */ comment.
>>>>>>>> We had a debate about this, my opinion was that avoiding the NULL
>>>>>>>> check makes it worth using a ref, but I see I'm pretty lonely in this camp
>>>>>>>> so fixed.
>>>>>>>> -> in available_memory_container():
>>>>>>>>> Could we also add "using host value" to the logging in error case
>>>>>>>>> as you do in physical_memory_container()?
>>>>>>>> Fixed, and tried to improve the logs.
>>>>>>>> -> (Not part of your patch) Can OSContainer::memory_limit_in_bytes()
>>>>>>>>> actually ever return "OSCONTAINER_ERROR"? I may be wrong here but:
>>>>>>>>> OSCONTAINER_ERROR = -2. /memory.limit_in_bytes gets returned as
>>>>>>>>> julong, so we have (julong)(-2). That gets compared with julong
>>>>>>>>> _unlimited_memory which is basically LONG_MAX, so signed long max, which
>>>>>>>>> should be smaller than (julong)(-2), or? So OSContainer::memory_limit_in_bytes()
>>>>>>>>> should always return -1 for both errors and the unlimited case.
>>>>>>>> Manually tested this, it seems to work. The -2 gets promoted to
>>>>>>>> unsigned in comparison.
>>>>>>>> We go from (jlong)-2 to (julong)ULONG_MAX-1 back to (jlong)-2.
>>>>>>>> Not obviously that it will always work. I will not touch that in
>>>>>>>> this changeset.
>>>>>>>> -> Can we:
>>>>>>>>> -  st->print("container_type: %s\n", p != NULL ? p : "failed");
>>>>>>>>> +  st->print_cr("container_type: %s", p != NULL ? p : "failed");
>>>>>>>>> ?
>>>>>>>> All of these use print + \n, you want me to just change this one or
>>>>>>>> ?
>>>>>>>> I'll rather leave them alone.
>>>>>>>> -> char * OSContainer::container_type() - you free() that value but
>>>>>>>>> it is not strdup()ed.
>>>>>>>> Thanks for seeing this, copy-paste :)
>>>>>>>> (Btw I do not like that some functions return strduped values, some
>>>>>>>>> do not. If OSContainer::container_type() wants to return a static string,
>>>>>>>>> its return type should be at least const char*, not char*. They even added
>>>>>>>>> an explicit cast to nonconst char* .)
>>>>>>>> Changed to const.
>>>>>>>> Thanks, Robbin
>>>>>>>> Kind Regards, Thomas
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 2:18 PM, Robbin Ehn <robbin.ehn at oracle.com
>>>>>>>>> <mailto:robbin.ehn at oracle.com>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>      Ping!
>>>>>>>>>      /Robbin
>>>>>>>>>      On 2018-02-08 13:35, Robbin Ehn wrote:
>>>>>>>>>          Hi David,
>>>>>>>>>          On 02/08/2018 01:19 PM, David Holmes wrote:
>>>>>>>>>              On 8/02/2018 10:08 PM, Robbin Ehn wrote:
>>>>>>>>>                  Hi David,
>>>>>>>>>                  On 02/08/2018 12:43 PM, David Holmes wrote:
>>>>>>>>>                      Hi Robbin,
>>>>>>>>>                      On 8/02/2018 7:03 PM, Robbin Ehn wrote:
>>>>>>>>>                          Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>                          There is a bad pointer comparison in
>>>>>>>>> os_linux.cpp while looking at that
>>>>>>>>>                      You seem to be missing the fact that
>>>>>>>>> OSContainer::cpu_cpuset_memory_nodes() can return a pointer or an
>>>>>>>>> error code.
>>>>>>>>>                  This is not true for macro:
>>>>>>>>>                  GET_CONTAINER_INFO_CPTR
>>>>>>>>>                  As far I can see?
>>>>>>>>>              Sorry - you're right. I misread current code and
>>>>>>>>> misremembered what happened at the initial code review - where I'm sure
>>>>>>>>> this "pointer versus error code" issue was also flagged.
>>>>>>>>>                  It returns:
>>>>>>>>>                  if (err != 0)
>>>>>>>>>                      return (return_type) NULL;
>>>>>>>>>                  or:
>>>>>>>>>                  return os::strdup(mems);
>>>>>>>>>                  If you know a method that returns an integer in a
>>>>>>>>> char*, it's broken should be fixed.
>>>>>>>>>                          I saw some if statement were missing
>>>>>>>>> bracket, a lot of extra scopes and complexity in the scoping.
>>>>>>>>>                      You'd better check all this with Bob Vandette
>>>>>>>>> as its his container support code.
>>>>>>>>>                  Not sure what you mean. It passes container tests.
>>>>>>>>>              In what environment did you run the container tests?
>>>>>>>>> Most of the code you've been refactoring deals with various errors and
>>>>>>>>> misconfigurations that can occur.
>>>>>>>>>              I'm sure Bob will want a chance to check the
>>>>>>>>> refactoring still does as he intended.
>>>>>>>>>          On mach5 all platforms with the container test (+
>>>>>>>>> hotspot_tier1) and locally.
>>>>>>>>>          I said before, regarding containers, all Linux have
>>>>>>>>> cgroups configured so this logic always thinks we are in a container and
>>>>>>>>> does this logging and calculation.
>>>>>>>>>          But no there is no tests for miss-configuration that I
>>>>>>>>> found.
>>>>>>>>>          Added Bob!
>>>>>>>>>          Thanks, Robbin
>>>>>>>>>              Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>              David
>>>>>>>>>              -----
>>>>>>>>>                  Thanks, Robbin
>>>>>>>>>                      Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>                      David
>>>>>>>>>                          Webrev:
>>>>>>>>>                          http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~r
>>>>>>>>> ehn/8197408/webrev/ <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~r
>>>>>>>>> ehn/8197408/webrev/>
>>>>>>>>>                          Bug:
>>>>>>>>>                          http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~r
>>>>>>>>> ehn/8197408/webrev/ <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~r
>>>>>>>>> ehn/8197408/webrev/>
>>>>>>>>>                          Thanks, Robbin

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