RFR(XXS) 8218458: runtime/NMT/CheckForProperDetailStackTrace.java fails with Expected stack trace missing from output

zgu at redhat.com zgu at redhat.com
Mon Feb 18 21:25:09 UTC 2019

I am not sure if I should just remove the test all together, but at
least, it should be quarantined to avoid the noise.

The test is a fault, cause it made assumption that compiler won't
inline certain methods, and expect them to show up in NMT detail
tracking. Unfortunately, there is no such guarantee from compiler.

Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8218458
Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~zgu/JDK-8218458/webrev.00/

  hotspot_nmt, eyeball the test does not run.



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