RFR: 8219247: Enable inlining of newly introduced PlatformMonitor methods

Claes Redestad claes.redestad at oracle.com
Thu Feb 21 15:18:29 UTC 2019


On 2019-02-20 04:45, David Holmes wrote:
>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~redestad/8219247/open.00/
>> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8219247
>> Testing: tier1+2, verified improvements on a range of startup
>> benchmarks.
>> Note: the patch includes an untested but likely sufficient fix to AIX
>> code to include os_posix.inline.hpp from os_aix.inline.hpp - any help
>> verifying this builds and passes tests on AIX would be much appreciated.
> Why did you do that for aix (and bsd), when AFAICS there is no usage of 
> anything from os_posix.inline.hpp in os_aix.inline.hpp? Shouldn't the 
> include have gone into the .cpp file that refers to the PlatformMonitor 
> functions?

There are places like mutex.cpp that depend on the PlatformMonitor 
functions, and the platform specific os_*.inline.hpp is included via a
macro in os.inline.hpp. Thus it made sense in my mind to add
os_*.inline.hpp -> os_posix.inline.hpp includes on all platforms. E.g.,
Mac won't build without an inline of os_posix.inline.hpp.

This also mimics how include of os_posix.inline.hpp is already done on

> One further nit, the additional include of pthread.h should not be 
> needed as it will come in via globalDefinitions.hpp. Or do you object to 
> implicit includes via that mechanism?

I mildly object to most use of implicit includes, but if <pthread.h> is
commonly known to be globally available then it seems superfluous, yes.

Removed superfluous <pthread.h> and <windows.h> includes:




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