RFR(S): 8227122: [TESTBUG] Create Docker sidecar test cases

Bob Vandette bob.vandette at oracle.com
Tue Jul 23 13:49:44 UTC 2019

The updated changes look fine to me.

Just a nit that you can do with as you wish.

Did you really mean to have this System.out in production or is this debug code?
    System.out.println("The main container has not started yet, count = " + i);


> On Jul 16, 2019, at 12:48 PM, mikhailo.seledtsov at oracle.com wrote:
> Hi Severin, Bob,
>    Here is an updated webrev that should address all of your feedback:
>     http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mseledtsov/8227122.01/
> To summarize the changes since webrev 00:
>      - using 'docker ps' to wait until the "main" container starts
>      - removed use of --ipc=shareable (not needed)
>      - added comments regarding sharing of /tmp
>      - using docker volumes ("--volumes-from") to share /tmp between the containers instead of mapping to host directories (avoids potential access/permission problems)
>      - few other minor changes and cleanup
> Testing:
>      ran this test on OL 7.6 and on variety of Linux nodes in the lab, a number of times - all PASS
> See more of comments inline below
> On 7/12/19 2:12 AM, Severin Gehwolf wrote:
>> Hi Misha,
>> On Thu, 2019-07-11 at 17:58 -0700, mikhailo.seledtsov at oracle.com wrote:
>>> Hi Severin,
>>>    Thank you for taking a look at this change.
>>> On 7/10/19 10:40 AM, Severin Gehwolf wrote:
>>>> Hi Misha,
>>>> On Tue, 2019-07-02 at 15:24 -0700, mikhailo.seledtsov at oracle.com wrote:
>>>>> Please review this new test that uses a Docker sidecar pattern to
>>>>> manage/monitor JVM running in the main payload container.
>>>>> Sidecar is a common pattern used in the cloud environments for
>>>>> monitoring among other uses. In side car pattern the main
>>>>> application/service container that runs the payload is paired with a
>>>>> sidecar container. It is achieved by sharing certain namespace
>>>>> aspects
>>>>> between the two containers such as PID namespace, specific
>>>>> sub-directories, IPC and more.
>>>>> This test implements the following cases:
>>>>>     - "jcmd -l" to list java processes running in "main" container
>>>>> from
>>>>> the "sidecar" container
>>>>>     - "jhsdb jinfo" in the sidecar configuration
>>>>>     - jcmd <some-command>
>>>>> This change also builds a basis for more test cases in the future.
>>>>> Minor changes were done to DockerTestUtils:
>>>>>     - changing access to DOCKER_COMMAND constant to public
>>>>>     - minor spelling and terminology corrections
>>>>>       JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8227122
>>>>>       Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mseledtsov/8227122.00/
>>>>>       Testing:
>>>>>           1. ran Docker tests on Linux-x64 - PASS
>>>>>           2. Running Docker tests in test cluster - in progress
>>>> // JCMD does not work in sidecar configuration, except for "jcmd -l".
>>>> // Including this test case to assist in reproduction of the problem.
>>>> // t.assertIsAlive();
>>>> // testCase03(mainProcPid);
>>>> FWIW, "jcmd -l" doesn't work in this case either. It only sees itself
>>>> as far as I can tell.
>>> In my experiment it does work. Here are parts of the test log, first the
>>> command that runs jcmd in a sidecar container, then the output of that
>>> container:
>>> """
>>> /usr/local/bin/docker run --tty=true --rm --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE
>>> --sig-proxy=true --pid=container:test-container-main
>>> --ipc=container:test-container-main -v
>>> /ws/playArea/sidecar-jcmd-8227122/JTwork/scratch/.:/tmp/
>>> jdk-internal:test-jfr-jcmd /jdk/bin/jcmd -l
>>> [2019-07-12T00:26:29.083764Z] Gathering output for process 8703
>>> [ELAPSED: 5 ms]
>>> [STDERR]
>>> [STDOUT]
>>> 1 EventGeneratorLoop 15
>>> 23 jdk.jcmd/sun.tools.jcmd.JCmd -l
>>> """
>>> The output shows 2 processes, one is EventGeneratorLoop with PID of 1
>>> (as expected). This is possible because the containers share certain
>>> namespaces and mounted volumes in a 'sidecar' configuration. In this
>>> case, containers share the PID namespace
>>> (--pid=container:test-container-main) and share volumes mounted as
>>> "/tmp" inside the container (-v
>>> /ws/playArea/sidecar-jcmd-8227122/JTwork/scratch/.:/tmp/)
>> Right, sorry. Perhaps this code should get a comment that sharing /tmp
>> between sidecar and host container is needed for jvmstat - used
>> internally by the attach mechanism - to work. See
>> HotSpotAttachProvider.testAttachable():
>> +        String[] command = new String[] {
>> +            DockerTestUtils.DOCKER_COMMAND, "run",
>> +            "--tty=true", "--rm",
>> +            "--cap-add=SYS_PTRACE", "--sig-proxy=true",
>> +            "--pid=container:" + MAIN_CONTAINER_NAME,
>> +            "--pid=container:" + MAIN_CONTAINER_NAME,
>> +            "--ipc=container:" + MAIN_CONTAINER_NAME,
>> +            "-v", WORK_DIR + ":/tmp/",
>> I believe -XX:+UsePerfData would be in order too as I don't think
>> things would work if that default changed.
> I have added the comments and added -XX:+UsePerfData for the "main" JVM process.
>>>> What's more, this seems to be a case of AttachListener::is_init_trigger[1] and
>>>> VirtualMachineImpl.createAttachFile[2] disagreeing. The former looks in
>>>> $(pwd)/.attach_pid<pid> or /tmp/.attach_pid<pid> and the latter creates
>>>> it in /proc/<pid>/root/tmp/.attach_pid<ns_pid>.
>> This seems to be the cause for why testCase03 doesn't work. Perhaps
>> this deserves a bug and I can help fix it.
>> While looking at that, I discovered what I said below, which is a
>> different case I know.
> Once these tests are integrated I will file a bug, and can reference the test from that bug.
>>>> There seems to be more issues involved. As attaching to a JVM inside a
>>>> container doesn't seem to work from outside which is supposed to be
>>>> fixed with JDK-8179498. That alone seems to warrant a bug.
>>> You are describing a slightly different use case / pattern, but I agree
>>> it does not seem to work. I am happy to hear confirmation of that.
>> I was pointing out that JDK-8179498 seems to have regressed. It's
>> unrelated but should be taken into account when fixing the above issue.
>>> The pattern addressed in this test is a side car, where both the
>>> observer and observee run in containers; the containers are 'friendly'
>>> by sharing certain apsects of namespaces.
>> Yes.
>>> The use case you are describing is somewhat different, if I understand
>>> correctly: the observer runs on a host machine, and obsrvee runs in a
>>> container. Observer tries to use jcmd to list the java processes running
>>> in container(s), and issue commands, but that fails. I can create a bug
>>> for that, and a simple test case.
>> There should be a bug and a test so that it cannot again regress.
>> JDK-8193710 is also related, but the fix for that bug didn't have a
>> test either :( That's this one which needs fixing:
>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8195809
>     JDK-8195809: [TESTBUG] Create tests for JDK-8193710 jps and jcmd -l support for Docker containers
>     I have assigned it to myself, and will be working on it soon.
> Thank you,
> Misha
>>>>      private static DockerThread startMainContainer() throws Exception {
>>>>          // start "main" container (the observee)
>>>>          DockerRunOptions opts = commonDockerOpts("EventGeneratorLoop");
>>>>          opts.addDockerOpts("--cap-add=SYS_PTRACE", "--ipc=shareable")
>>>> Is '--ipc=shareable' really needed? It's not a supported option for my
>>>> docker here :-(
>>> I have removed the '--ipc=shareable' and the test still works. I think
>>> this is extra stuff that is not necessary for this test case, so I will
>>> remove it.
>> Excellent!
>>> I will incorporate changes from your and Bob's review, run some testing,
>>> and post an updated webrev.
>> Thanks,
>> Severin
>>>> [1] http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/jdk/file/ba72dac556c3/src/hotspot/os/linux/attachListener_linux.cpp#l500
>>>> [2] http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/jdk/file/ba72dac556c3/src/jdk.attach/linux/classes/sun/tools/attach/VirtualMachineImpl.java#l295

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