RFR 8224763: Update man pages to show deprecation of -Xverify:none

Harold Seigel harold.seigel at oracle.com
Tue May 28 17:20:30 UTC 2019


Please review this small fix to update man pages etc. to show 
deprecation of -Xverify:none.

Open Webrev: 

JBS Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8224763

The fix was tested by looking at the "java -X" output and by looking at 
the .../java.1 man page.  It was regression tested by running Mach5 
tiers 1 and 2 tests and builds on Linux-x64, Solaris, Windows, and Mac 
OS X and by running some Mach5 tier 3 tests on Linux-x64.

Thanks, Harold

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