RFR(s): 8228758: assert(_no_handle_mark_nesting == 0) failed: allocating handle inside NoHandleMark

Robbin Ehn robbin.ehn at oracle.com
Wed Sep 4 09:14:39 UTC 2019

>> As we do with safepoints, NoSafepointVerifier (since it covers both cases).
> The NoSafepointVerifier is in the JRT_LEAF but not in VM_LEAF_BASE, which is 
> also used by JNI_LEAF and JVM_LEAF.  I believe it should be moved there (not 
> with this patch).

Can you track these suggested changes :)


> Coleen
>> /Robbin
>>> Cheers,
>>> David
>>>> Thanks, Robbin
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> David
>>>>> -----
>>>>>> Thanks, Robbin
>>>>>> Some extra words about NoHandleMark:
>>>>>> I believe NoHandleMark should be removed.
>>>>>> In the LEAF case, there is no point in creating a Handle within a
>>>>>> NoSafepointVerifier, since we don't safepoint.
>>>>>> The other usecase seems to be, I'm in java don't do VM things, and someone 
>>>>>> tried
>>>>>> to protected that with a NoHandleMark. There many ways to create a much more
>>>>>> robust check for that.
>>>>>> But a discussion for another time.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> David
>>>>>>>> Issue:
>>>>>>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8228758
>>>>>>>> Changeset:
>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rehn/8228758/webrev/
>>>>>>>> Passes t1-3 (and performance benchmarks)
>>>>>>>> Thanks, Robbin

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