Newbie question: BytecodeInterpreter::run

David Holmes david.holmes at
Sat Feb 1 07:45:00 UTC 2020

Hi Mohit,

This should help somewhat, even though dated.


On 20/01/2020 1:39 pm, Mohit Gupta wrote:
> I am learning about OpenJDK internal working. Like any newbie this could be
> very naive and broad question. I have started looking at
> "BytecodeInterpreter::run" and it's call points. This further takes me to
> CppInterpreter. After that I am having trouble locating how CppInterpreter
> is initialized.
> Basically I want to understand this simple java program
> package
> public class Startup {
>     public static void main(String[] args) .. {
>          Startup.sum(100, 100);
>     }
>     public void sum(int a, int b) {
>          int x = a + b;
>     }
> }
> Understand that java compiler will compile into .class (bytecode). However
> I am trying to understand how JVM gets to "main" and thereafter goes into
> Bytecode interpretation.
> Would it be possible for someone to point me in the right direction? Any
> recommendations will be helpful.
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards
> Mohit

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