RFR(L) 8237354: Add option to jcmd to write a gzipped heap dump

Ioi Lam ioi.lam at oracle.com
Thu Feb 20 01:45:06 UTC 2020

I like this proposal. It's simple, easily extensible and should work on 
all platforms.

- Ioi

On 2/19/20 3:59 PM, Yasumasa Suenaga wrote:
> Hi,
> Generally I agree with Ioi, but I think it is not a problem only for 
> gzipped heap dump.
> For example, Compiler.codelist and Compiler.CodeHeap_Analytics might 
> be large text.
> In addition, some users want to redirect the result from jcmd to other 
> command or log collector.
> So I think it would be better if jcmd provides stdout redurect option 
> to all subocmmands. E.g.
>   $ jcmd <PID> GC.heap_dump -stdout | gzip -c - > heapdump.hprof.gz
> Thanks,
> Yasumasa
> On 2020/02/20 2:40, Ioi Lam wrote:
>> On 2/19/20 7:24 AM, Schmelter, Ralf wrote:
>>> Hi Ioi,
>>>> This seems to be an edge case (where your environment has more
>>>> RAM than disk)
>>> I would not say it's an edge case. Especially in a cloud 
>>> environment, your container does not need much free diskspace, since 
>>> the data is stored in a database and logging goes to stdout.
>>>> I think it would be better to handle this outside of the JVM
>>>> (using a named pipe and and external program such as the parallel gzip
>>>> "pigz") to limit the maintenance overhead of the JVM.
>>> But then you would have to implement writing the heap dump to a 
>>> named pipe (and not only on Unix, but on Windows too). And you would 
>>> still want to do the writing in background threads, so most of the 
>>> code would stay. You need something like netcat on Windows. And it 
>>> doesn't cover writing a heap dump on OOM via the VM flag.
>>> And you should to compress the hprof file in a specific way, since 
>>> it will make it much faster to random access the gzipped hprof file 
>>> directly.
>>> Note that I think it is a good idea to be able to write the dump to 
>>> non-file destination. But removing the compression will not save 
>>> much code and will make the handling messier.
>> I was thinking of doing something like this:
>> $ mkfifo /tmp/pipe
>> $ cat /tmp/pipe | gzip -c - > /tmp/zipped &
>> $ jcmd $PID GC.heap_dump filename=/tmp/pipe
>> You can replace the "> /tmp/zipped" part with a program that reads 
>> from stdin and send it over the network.
>> I tried the above with a recent JDK build (with your changes in 
>> JDK-8234510: Remove file seeking requirement for writing a heap 
>> dump), but it doesn't seem to work, probably because we need to 
>> change this code a little bit
>> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/jdk/file/7ef41e83066b/src/hotspot/share/services/heapDumper.cpp#l465 
>> DumpWriter::DumpWriter(const char* path) : _fd(-1), 
>> _bytes_written(0), _pos(0),
>> _in_dump_segment(false), _error(NULL) {
>>      ...
>>      _fd = os::create_binary_file(path, false);    // don't replace 
>> existing file <<<
>> I also saw a post saying that the JVM can write to named pipes on 
>> Windows:
>> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://stackoverflow.com/questions/634564/how-to-open-a-windows-named-pipe-from-java__;!!GqivPVa7Brio!NzwD3eTX5oDe2WDGidQjXgiDXpQ7SdnRdyo4D9qxHI46dPcXb5PVzrxZ4UNiUw$ 
>> There's no built-in mkfifo command on Windows, but the above link 
>> points to a .NET example that creates a named pipe and uses that to 
>> communicate with the JVM.
>> I don't know whether this will be a better solution than your 
>> proposed changes, but I think it should be explored as a possible 
>> alternative. It does seem to require a little work to get your whole 
>> data collection system working, but it also seems more flexible and 
>> extensible.
>> Thanks
>> - Ioi
>>> Best regards,
>>> Ralf
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Ioi Lam <ioi.lam at oracle.com>
>>> Sent: Mittwoch, 19. Februar 2020 01:16
>>> To: serguei.spitsyn at oracle.com; Schmelter, Ralf 
>>> <ralf.schmelter at sap.com>; hotspot-runtime-dev at openjdk.java.net 
>>> runtime <hotspot-runtime-dev at openjdk.java.net>
>>> Cc: Laurence Cable <larry.cable at oracle.com>; 
>>> serviceability-dev at openjdk.java.net
>>> Subject: Re: RFR(L) 8237354: Add option to jcmd to write a gzipped 
>>> heap dump
>>> Hi Ralf,
>>> We are usually pretty picky about adding new features into the JVM. 
>>> This
>>> seems to be an edge case (where your environment has more RAM than
>>> disk). I think it would be better to handle this outside of the JVM
>>> (using a named pipe and and external program such as the parallel gzip
>>> "pigz") to limit the maintenance overhead of the JVM.
>>> This would also have the benefit that you can do it with almost no 
>>> local
>>> storage -- you can read from the named pipe, optionally compress the
>>> data, and send that over the network.
>>> Thanks
>>> - Ioi

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