Re: 回复:VM crashed at StringTable expansion

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Wed Feb 26 12:12:38 UTC 2020

On 26/02/2020 11:40, 向伟(识月) wrote:
> Hi Florian,
> This isn't a common usage.
> For the below code:
> String s1 = "s1".intern();
> f.set("s1".intern(), f.get("s2"));
> After calling reflection, the value of s1 is changed to "s2".
> In some special scenarios, the original jar file can't be modified. But the user
> expects to change the value of some string, and uses the above code to
> implement it.
> Although this usage isn't recommended, it isn't forbidden. We don't expect
> the crash because of the usage.
You should have got a warning like "WARNING: An illegal reflective 
access ...".  Eventually it will be disallowed by default but in the 
mean-time there are dozens of ways to break the integrity, create 
security issues, or crash the VM with this type of hacking. Do you know 
what this library wants to change the value of an immutable String?


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