RFR(S) 8245925 G1 allocates EDEN region after CDS has executed GC

Ioi Lam ioi.lam at oracle.com
Thu Jun 4 05:53:50 UTC 2020

> On 5/29/20 9:40 PM, Yumin Qi wrote:
>> HI, Ioi
>>   If the allocation of EDEN happens between GC and dump, should we 
>> put the GC action in VM_PopulateDumpSharedSpace? This way, at 
>> safepoint there should no allocation happens. The stack trace showed 
>> it happened with a Java Thread, which should be blocked at safepoint.
> Hi Yumin,
> I think GCs cannot be executed inside a safepoint, because some parts 
> of GC need to execute in a safepoint, so they will be blocked until 
> VM_PopulateDumpSharedSpace::doit has returned.
> Anyway, as I mentioned in my reply to Jiangli, there's a better way to 
> fix this, so I will withdraw the current patch.

Hi Yumin,

Actually, I changed my mind again, and implemented your suggestion :-)

There's actually a way to invoke GC inside a safepoint (it's used by 
"jcmd gc.heap_dump", for example). So I changed the CDS code to do the 
same thing. It's a much simpler change and does what I want -- no other 
thread will be able to make any heap allocation after the GC has 
completed, so no EDEN region will be allocated:


The check for "if (GCLocker::is_active())" should almost always be 
false. I left it there just for safety:

During -Xshare:dump, we execute Java code to build the module graph, 
load classes, etc. So theoretically someone could try to parallelize 
some of that Java code in the future. Theoretically when CDS has entered 
the safepoint, another thread could be in the middle a JNI method that 
has held the GCLock.

- Ioi

>> On 5/29/20 7:29 PM, Ioi Lam wrote:
>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8245925
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~iklam/jdk15/8245925-g1-eden-after-cds-gc.v01/ 
>>> Summary:
>>> CDS supports archived heap objects only for G1. During -Xshare:dump,
>>> CDS executes a full GC so that G1 will compact the heap regions, 
>>> leaving
>>> maximum contiguous free space at the top of the heap. Then, the 
>>> archived
>>> heap regions are allocated from the top of the heap.
>>> Under some circumstances, java.lang.ref.Cleaners will execute
>>> after the GC has completed. The cleaners may allocate or 
>>> synchronized, which
>>> will cause G1 to allocate an EDEN region at the top of the heap.
>>> The fix is simple -- after CDS has entered a safepoint, if EDEN 
>>> regions exist,
>>> exit the safepoint, run GC, and try again. Eventually all the 
>>> cleaners will
>>> be executed and no more allocation can happen.
>>> For safety, I limit the retry count to 30 (or about total 9 seconds).
>>> Thanks
>>> - Ioi
>>> <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8245925>

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